Are there any...

Are there any break dancers around here?if so could you guys help me out i have a little problem with my down rock.All it is is a bunch of swipes put together with pauses.

Oh, how I wish I could breakdance… Is it possible to teach yourself breakdancing? Like, with online tutorials or something?

Obviously that doesn’t help you much… Sorry…

yeah bran muffin you can go to and they have videos and tutorials and others stuff

yah the dvd is awesome it got me into break dancing. I would help you but I cant do a down rock worth a crap.

yeah i havent gotten the movie yet. heard it was good though

Awesome! I think I will go there and try it out, why not.

EDIT: Whoa, it’s insane. Well I don’t have any gymnastics stuffs… I dunno about this…

ahhh you just need to be in good shape six pack and some other things be active too.train and you will get somewhere practice like i do five hours at a time 2 days a week but lately i dun have time oh and have umm nice beats electronica and techno you know but have fun branmuffin keeop me updated on hoew well your doing.dfslkfsd how much diyou pay for the movie because i was thining anout getting it?

I think I payed about $30 bucks for it. but my total price was $45… but only because I wanted next day shipping .

couple of friends do it casually
and ive got them to show me a few things
but i found it quite hard
you really need to be athletic, good balance and like anything need to practice

Ok, well I give up forever. Sorry Shinta. I really don’t have the time to train or anything, I was always interested in it, but I don’t think I’d be able to do it.

Ahhh oh well you dunt have to practice that much i just do because i dun have much to do :content: but htank ytou for the price i will probably buy it becuase i am becoming serious about breaking lately and hopefully it will help me out you know :happy: yeah it just helps to have all the thing i listed.If you practice you wont even have to work out becuase you get so cut and into shape :tongue: so dun quit though.

I dunno, maybe I’ll check it out…

no maybes Do It :tongue:

FINE redset, FINE.

dun opush him into doing it becuase he wont try as hard if he feels forced to. do it if you want have time to

Heh, thanks. I’ll master one thing at a time thank you, and right now it’s Lucid Dreaming, whether it takes a year or or ten… One weird crazy talent at a time. I can now perform some magic tricks, roll a coin over my knuckles really fast, play songs on my cheeks, do a loon call, circular breathing and I am getting into pen spinning, but I stopped…

ic ic lucid dreaming is really fun. i was always able to control dreams until i hit puberty>.<,then i got all messed up and really have to work for it now.So i now try breaking

Shout outs to all my bboy’s and bgirls out there!

Yeah, I break. And I can teach you. Oh wait… I DO! Dammit Shinta! I was gonna post this topic, but you beat me to it ^,^

Well, yesh. I was gonna question to the lucid mastas out there if it was possible to improve your feel for the powermoves through ld’s. Ya know? Cuz My windmills suck -.- and one time I was lucid and tried to do flares, but my hands got stuck to the floor so I just sorta got stuck.

But yeahs. There any other breakers?

WAK EAB foreva!


learned a pose