So as far as I can tell, from what I’ve been told, and what I’ve believed, I have LDs quite often…
But hearing from so many sources about how hard and how much work and practice it requires, I’m starting to doubt this of myself.
Lucid Is when you realize you’re dreaming, and have control over yourself? Am I missing some key element…?
No, it’s really that simple. You seem to be a natural LD’er, which is quite a stoke of luck. Many people wish they could have one almost every night.
As I said before in your other topic
For some getting lucid comes naturally, but some do find it more difficult. It doesn’t mean you aren’t getting lucid or are missing something because you find it easy.
There are degrees of lucidity. Sometimes I’m mentally very sharp. Other times I can’t remember what I had planned to do, or I feel as if I’m very drunk.