Ask the DC.

Usualy when Im lucid my favorite thing to do is talk to a DC, but sometimes Ill forget what I want to ask them, or not know how to word it. So from now on Im going to simply ask the DC if there is something I can do to help them, and sence a DC is a part of you then they should tell you what you need to know right?

It should, because since it’s being created by your sub-conscious, it may take on a characteristic you have, which includes emotions, attitude, etc.

Or even better, ask not what you can do for them, ask them what they can do for you. :yinyang:

DC seems to be so cool , it’s the first thing that I’ll do when I’ll dream lucid , and I will !(I’m reading Stephen LaBerge’s book)
I would love to hear about DC and cool things that they said to you …