
Does anyone know anything they can share with me about it? I used to dismiss it as simple superstition and whatnot… but a while back (a year?) my supersmart friend gave me a lesson about it that turned out to be really, really specific. He incorporated all sorts of things from the standard astrology to chinese astrology to something I never heard of and even got specific to birthdays and patterns and such. I’m interested in learning more cuzza how amazingly coincidental it all was. Does anyone mind sharing what they know?

Um… try looking in Wikipedia :happy: You may find good links…

Numerology is interesting too, and according to what you described, your friend might have included it in his/her’s explanation. In your sig for example:

18 is 9 because 1 + 8 = 9

In numerology, you always sum numbers down to a single number, except with numbers like 11, 22, 33, etc. (or so I was told :happy: )

Thanks Rodrigo!
Although; I would appreciate not being redirected via links… ^,^ just a thing that I don’t like linking away to other sites cuz I fear viruses and such. hah.

Well, I know that horoscopes can’t possibly be true, because they’re based on the alignment of stars 2000 years ago. If we really wanted to base our personalities on star signs, we’d have to use the modern alignment, which is very different and contains not twelve, but thirteen signs! has more information in it’s astrology section if you’re interested.

I might not know much about astrology, but I was really into astronomy when I was young and studied the stars a lot. Astronomically speaking, the modern zodiac as we know it in magazine columns is just not possible.

Dude… I’m obsessed with astrology. Go to For me, even the horoscopes are accurate and I used to be the person who dismissed horoscopes. Even if it’s a bunch of crap, you have some good advice on how to handle the day. I find Astrology to be incredibly accurate, and I don’t care what anyone has to say about me being retarded. I believe it. xD I’m an Aquarius, AND I was born on a cusp. how cool is that? x)

Oh yeah… If you decide to try out they give you some free Karma Coins so I suggest you try out one of the tarot readings, also incredibly accurate. Just a side note… Geez now I sound like I’m working for them. xD