What do you think of recording your dreams in a tape recorder instead of writing? I started doing it a few days ago because it hard for me to write alot because i sprained my wrist. What are the pros and cons as far as recall go when speaking your dream instead of writing?
I’m willing to bet it might jar a little more of your memory…I don’t know why, I just seem to think it might be a little more effective.
Probably not as great for reviewing later on, but you can always transcribe if you really want to later.
It might also be a little better at keeping your DR intact, as me flopping around to turn off the alarm and journal usually destroys most of it - just reach over and push a button, then start dictating. If I could make more noise, I’d do it.
hey i should do that! ill try it!
well i can think of a few things.
One it is quicker right. thats cool and you can hear it instead of having to “try” and read your writing if u r anything like me
but tehre are a few problems.
One tapes dont last.
finding a dream could be hard.
and u might speak like " i wentzas downz to thz shopwz" making it ahrd to understand if u just awoke.
Why not use a computer with a mic?