[color=darkblue]Have you ever been able to wake up at an exact time? I once said I will wake up at 7.00am and woke up at exactly 7.00am! It is strange that the body clock can be so accurate!
Good luck with that attempt. Be positive and mean it when you suggest it. Don’t say you want more vivid dreams (the sub-concious may not understand this): Simply say, I will remember my dreams clearly. This will work better…[/color]
I haven’t actually tried telling myself to wake up at an exact time, but this week my alarm clock was set to go of at 6:00am and each day I would wake up two or three minutes before 6 and turn off the alarm clock before it even started ringing!
I am most definitely going to do the ‘telling myself to have a lucid dream’ thing. I did a variation on that but I think the only reason I became lucid was because my mind was so obsessed with RC 's when I went to bed. =0)