avatar the last dreambender

awhile back i had an avatar the last airbender marathon and watched pretty much the whole series in a weekend. no dreams about avatar whatsoever.
now, a month or so later, ive been trying to have lucid dreams. of all the dreams i remember so far, a fairly high percent of them have been about avatar. is this just a late reaction or what? though i like avatar(obviously), i would like to stop having these dreams and have some that im actually in!
that brings me to another question: can you perform RCs in dreams that you’re not even in?

Its how SC reacts. You need atleast a few weeks to get something in your SC. Oftentimes I dream about something that is related to an event few days ago. It seems that your SC is even more slow than mine.

Imagine yourself being avatar before falling asleep.

Also, to answer your question, I’ve had dreams like this, and If you try to do something physical in a dream, usually you end up moving, whether or not you have a physical form in the dream.

thanx for the help. there was one moment in the dream where Aang was fighting someone and at one point, the battle was in my living room. at that point, it was almost like i was fighting instead of Aang, but none of my bending had any visible effect. the guy still dodged, but nothing got damaged and i didn’t see any bending, just kind of knew it was there. weird. i need to get myself to do reality checks in my dreams.

lol I know how you feel when stuff you stuff your brain with comes back to haunt you. When I did that with Avatar, I had Appa and Momo appear in a dream. Now I’m doing it with Sailor Moon and had all the sailor scouts in my dream. And a few weeks ago I watched the Addams Family and had them in my dream, too… Whatever we watch or read takes some form in our dreams. (Yeah, it happens to me when I read something, too) But goodluck.

I watched the series for a second time a couple of weeks ago, although I took a little longer than a weekend (a week and a half maybe).

I only recall two dreams that were Avatar related. In one I was Zuko doing some lightningbending and the other I don’t even remember at all. They happened very shortly after I finished watching the series. Shortly after I finished watching Seirei no Moribito I had a dream in which I fought Balsa (main character).

Sometimes, though, I’ll dream about stuff from a lot longer ago, but I can’t recall a specific instance.

As for doing RC’s in dreams that you’re not physically in, sure it’s possible. It’s all about awareness. The physical act of performing a RC is just a formality. What matters is you questioning your state (i.e. “Am I awake, or am I dreaming?”), and you can do that at any time. It just requires conscious awareness.

still cant get myself to be aware in a dream. never even consider that anything is abnormal. i feel like maybe i was close to doing a reality check, but i dont remember that. its just a feeling. on my second night trying to LD, i had a dream that i had a LD. didnt do anything useful…total tease! i mean, how do you dream that you have a dream! it just sounds so redundant!

On the topic of doing RCs, Pick an object you see every hear and there. Nothing you see constantly, but something that shows up once in awhile, like a plane, or a flash light. Now, every time you see this object, do an RC or two. Keep this up for awhile, eventually the object will find its way into your dream. You do an RC as instinct, you become lucid.

It’s difficult for you to become lucid during those DO dreams because you are less aware when you do the same IWL, that is, watching some movie or anime or similar. You just accept whatever comes, feel immersed with the scene, and do not question whatever comes (at least if the movie is good :tongue:).
It takes a higher degree of awareness than that to become lucid, to recognize that you’re the co-creator of the experience you’re living, that no matter what is happening in the scene in front of you, what matters to you is the feelings and thoughts the scene is provoking, because those are the only things you actually perceive. Be aware more of your reactions to what you’re watching, not only what you’re seeing itself. Be aware that you are a part of the scene, actively interpreting it as it comes. You are the one who decides if a scene is funny or sad. You are the dreamer, the one in control, always. :wink: