Well i was thinking after signing up for the LC # 32 how most people have 2-10 average LD time but whenever i dream i mean its a dream i have about 20-40 Min LD on a good night. I am wondering why this may happen to some people and not others … and my first LD took 1 month and 17 days so mabey that has something to affect it? Please share your average LD time and mabey we can figure out how to make LD’s longer or something? or why mine may be longer than most peoples.
my average is usually 2-5 minutes although ive had 1-2 dreams thatve been in the hour- two hour mark (which was amazing) When i gauge how long my LD’s are i dont decide by how long it shouldve been but how long i remember being consious and making my own decisions, for example. You become lucid and it is morning in your dream, by the end of the dream the sun is setting in your dream. You have to ask the question "Did i live out every minute of every hour in that dream or did time skip. You most likely wouldnt consider that dream a 12 hour lucid dream, where in reality it may have been maybe 10-15 minutes. Unless you actually did live out every second of every minutes of every hour in that dream… which is probably unlikely (yet not impossible) Although your perspective of time in dreams can be very different sometimes. It may feel like you lived out all 12 hours in that dream but IRL you were asleep for 20 minutes. You have to use your best judgement to determine how long that LD was
Theoretically, it can last up to 1 - 1,5 hours, since that’s how long our longest REM period lasts. However, in practice, I haven’t experienced such long lucid dreams. Usually I have much fun during them, so time passes fast. My longest lucid dream was about 10 minutes.
I think the longest amount of time that I was actually aware that I was dreaming and willing to do something about it was 5 minutes, IRL. I don’t know about in the dream, my time constantly skips.
Maybe people just only realize they’re dreaming 5 minutes before that REM cycle ends? maybe doing more constant reality checks can lead to earlier realization and therefore become lucid faster and have longer LD’s?
Most my LDs are short, being 1-5 minutes. I only had one half hour LD, which were actually about 8 short dreams being chained. I would love to figure out how to improve that. I know all the tricks like touching, spinning and rubbing, but that never really gets me past the 10 minute mark.
Well i have never used the tricks to keep my dreams running. so maybe it is just something that happens to some people and not to others. and none of my dreams are chained… maybe if i try to keep dreams going longer and learn to chain dreams i can have full out hour and a half long LD’s?
I’ve noticed that time doesn’t have to define how much you will dream. I’ve had my last LD last only 20 minutes but I’ve dreamt so much that I didn’t even know where to start with recording it…
On the other hand I had a LD long almost an hour and didn’t dream that much…
The maximum time that you can stay in a Lucid Dream is 1 between 1:50 h!
That means that “Even the most Skilled Lucid Dreamer, cant stay longer than 110 minutes in a Dream!”
The REM Stage ends!
In WL minutes, yes. In perceived dream time, not necessarily. Numerous people have had LDs several hours, days, even weeks long.
I have had 2 day long LD’s in dream time, but that is not the perception or goal of this post. I am talking about how long in WL minutes dreams can last, or why LD’s dont last that long
Ah sorry, missed that part. Usually REM periods are about 20-30 minutes in length. You can dream in NREM sleep, but generally those dreams aren’t as clear or interesting, and they’re usually not dreams that you remember either. I’ve probably dreamed right through NREM before and remembered it before, because recently I had a dream that I was in for probably over three WL hours. I woke up around three times as well, but went right back in. I’d guess it was at least 3 1/2 WL hours non-stop except for me waking up.
And there’s always chaining which can link 2 dreams[or more] in one and still be counted as just one dream…
It feels like it lasts longer then it probably does.
I have a friend irl who tells me that when she dreams it can feel like days. I don’t see why she would lie about it. Although it does seem a bit too amazing.