Awareness lessens my dream recall?

I’ve tried slowly getting myself back into All Day Awareness; it’s what gave me my last lucid dream.

I’ve noticed that in the last four days, where I’ve had really good success remembering to practice the technique and keeping aware, as well as throwing in a RC, I find that my dream recall has shriveled down to the point where I can only remember extremely tiny fragments of my dreams (one word journal entries!), whereas prior to this I would remember at least one dream to its completion.

I don’t think I’m trying too hard, but why would becoming aware in WL hinder my awareness in the dream state?

Can anyone help? Is it possible I am tiring my mind out?

Since starting to practice ADA, my recall has improved, so I don’t think the loss of recall is caused by ADA in your case. It may well just be the dreaded dry streak.

It may be that your thoughts aren’t leading your subconscious to the idea that you care about your dreams anymore. Drastically changing to awareness like this tells your subconscious you don’t care. Same thing happened to me.

You have to try to increase dream recall, and by try I mean you need to use a mantra or you need to tell yourself that you want to recall your dreams. Just remember, behind your conscious mind and your conscious thoughts is practically another person. You literally have two minds. Yeah, so you can do this with ADA or not, it doesn’t matter, but you just have avoid setting aside dream recall.