A couple of months ago I was having lucid dreams pretty regularly, every couple of weeks for a couple of months.
Most of the times it was just moments of lucidity, but eventually I had a long LD in which I moved thru several different scenes, studied objects, spoke to a DC and eventually decided to return to normal dreaming, as I was exhausted and felt I couldn’t concentrate any longer.
Ever since that experience, I haven’t been able to LD. Instead I’ve been having really emotionally involving dreams. Mostly bad dreams in which I end up feeling badly hurt in some way.
I get the feeling that these intense emotional dreams are some kind barrier against LDing. Like something in me is putting up a resistance.
Nope not me, but remember your normal dream periods are for your brain always more important then lucid ones because dreams are ment for new imprints of memory and for emotional processing.
Maybe something changed in your life since those lds? Or some old emotional stuff came up?
Your lds will come back sooner or later, keep some healthy trust here!
r3mot they tested with students that studied and then woke them up in rem sleep every time at when they slept at night, those students werent able to learn much.
That what they had learned at daytime when they studied never was integrated in their long term memory.
Also in rem sleep our long term memory part of the brain (the hippocampus) becomes many times more active then when we are awake and produces a 100 fold in memory neurotransmitters.
Further dreams are very associative and when ppl are stressed emotionally they can have nightmares and such…etc, so there seems to be a link to emotional processing also.
it happen to me.
i think it is cus of lack of energy , i mean you use more energy in your ld and this is some kind of wasting cus it will prevent you from lding more for a long or short period.
for ld you have to got a plan and dont walk in the dream land without any reason for a long time it make me weak and i cant ld for a long time.