Hello, i look at this site alot, answers alot of questions, i just learned about lucid dreaming and got into a dream journal and all this stuff a few days ago. So last night i decide im going to try so drift into a dream instead of falling straight asleep, i dont know how long i am trying to do it, but it starts working i think. Starting at my feet and moving to my head, my body gets tense in like a wave motion, my fan started to sound like seabirds, i was imaging an island. Everything was going good, then all the sudded it felt like my heart was beating really fast and hard, i tried to stay still cause i felt paralized or whatever, but i couldnt take the heart beat thing and jerked up. I think it was just a feeling cause i didnt feel the blood flowing through my head like it would of if that was really happening, still, the whole experience scared me. Does anyone else know of this heart beat feeling? Will it happen next time i try to dream?
Also, could it be that i was overheating in all my covers, cause i was sweating up a storm that night, I am at a loss what to do and dont understand what happened to me last night with the whole heart beat thing, because if it really was beating that fast it would be unhealthy, i mean, isnt your heart rate spose to slow down when falling asleep.