Begining to notice something...

(I apologize if this post is in the wrong place. Move/deleate at will.)

I had a (short) LD last night. Not really enough time to do anything besides a RC and to think forr a few moments… but since it’s been a while since my last LD it was nice to “savor” the overall feeling.

Here’s the thing…Last night I had to stay up untill 1:00 doing homework. (I’m one of those people who NEEDS sleep. I usually can’t tolerate anything past 11:30 :bored: )

It may seem odd for me to link LD’s with sleep deprevation. But now that I think of it, last time I had to stay up this late, I had Extremely vivid recall on 2 dreams that night. (I typed out 2 pages in word on everything I remembered- single spaced)

I’m not gonna force myself not to sleep and see what happens, nor am I asking/telling/suggesting anyone else to. But has anyone ever noticed anything like this before?

I think when you’re tired you enter REM sleep more easily. I’m not sure about that though, it just would make sense to me.
I have also better dream recall if I go to sleep when very tired. It takes long for me to get to sleep mostly, but when I’m tired enough, it’s a just a matter of minutes.
If you have an alarm clock wake you, that might help you remember your dreams even better.

I’ve found that if I fall asleep doing homework (or occasionally just after homework), my recall tends to be a lot better. I think that this is because my mind is a little more active and analytical than normal, though I haven’t figured it all out yet. I think that part of it has to do with the fact that I sleep lighter, since subconsciously, I feel like I need to be awake to finish working… like you said, not the best way to try for LDs :tongue: .

Same thing goes with sleep deprivation. If you stay up a whole night, you’ll immediately switch into REM once you fall asleep.

Well, I was still exaustetd from the other night. Last night I basically collapsed on my bed. I had a DILD, and by far the best Lucid Dream of my life. The others were little segments… but this was a full blown out dream.

Note: This was a DILD by the way, not a WILD. I’m in question on the effect my tired state had on the dream


Last night I was exausted because I had to go to a basketball game in Augusta, and didn’t get home untill late.
I basically fell asleep once I touched the pillow, and I was in such a deep sleep, I can’t seem to remember any dreams.

So it seems Exaustion has the opposite effect on me (Or atleast that one time.)

Whoa, Augusta? Are you from Kansas, WD?

Well, I’ve accidentally stayed up really, really late again, so I’m interested to see what my recall is like.

I’m going to try not sleeping tonight. I’m on spring break so it’s not like I have to worry about school in the morning. I don’t think this is a good way to get lucid dreams though… I’m probably going to be very moody tomorrow lol