Great to hear that I am not alone and that other people have experienced WILD’s as well. I definately prefer WILD before any other “methods”. You asked me for an elaboration on my WILD so here it goes.
I had some thoughts that I would do some LD soon, but didn’t really intend a WILD at the time I went to bed. It might be intressting to know that at that point didn’t know that a WILD was possible. I went to bed one or two hours after midnight, and that is about 2 hours after a generally go to sleep. I had lots of energy and was not worn out - even thought I was quite tired.
Okey that was the simple setting that I guess that anybody can copy and try. Now follows a presentation of “things” that I think had something to do with me succeeding with WILD.
Hypnogogia: First of all I have been exploring the Hypnogogia state (Hypnogogia is a well described neurological phenomenon that can occur when one is waking up - hypnopompic - or going to sleep - hypnogogic. It is an in-between state where one is neither fully awake nor fully asleep. In this state very realistic images and sounds can be experienced). The reason for me being intressted in Hypnogogia is because that I have found out that when I think about music (when I am in this state) then the thoughts comes alive and I actually hear music. Since I am not a good at making music when I am awake, I kind of enjoy the liberty of being able to “make” the kind of music that I like and being able to manipulate the music that “I hear” as I prefer it. I have not bin working with this state that much though, but it have happend a few times.
Mindfullness: Since I am intressted in zen and meditation, I have tried to practise mindfullness in my daily life. That is that I have tried to be as consious as possible of what I am doing or experiencing at the moment and tried to avoid daydreaming and retreating from life into the safty of my thoughts and fantasy. Mindfullness is like what ever you do - do it, i.e. if you do something, then do that something and nothing else. Mindfullness does not neccesarly have anything to do with being involved or interaction. It is related to “letting go”. Letting go is just that - just let go. What ever you are holding on to, just let it go. So when I say that I try to practise being mindfull it does not mean that I am concentrating exetremly hard and strain myself, because I try my best to let all that which I hold on to simply go. I am by no means a zen master, not even a zen student and I am actaully not really sure what I am talking about - but still I think this might have had some inpact on my WILD.
Anyways, this particular night when I did the WILD, I went to bed and decided that I wanted to be mindfull about my body and my thoughts. I felt that body was relaxing and undertstood that I was entering Hypnogogia since my thoughts triggered scenarious and that my fantasies became more and more real. Usually this is where I blackout, but this night I felt that I wasn’t that tired and I (being mindfull) simply observed the process taking place. My brain created scenarious and that noticed that, that which I thought, that became in a scence real. I figured that okk now I am doing LD.
It was (as it always is for me when I LD) as there were two layers. The first layer is the “me” (my thoughts and emotions etc.) and the other layer is the environment and situation that the “me” is travelling through. Just as it is in when I am awake. The diffrence being that if I try hard enough when LD, I can change the environment and situation accordingly to my whishes. When thinking back on the WILD that I did, I recon that the first layer, the “me”, stayed unchanged - it was the same all the way from being wake to the LD. But the second layer (environment and situations and scenarious) emerged slowly as I sank into Hypnogogia, and then grew stronger untill the it (the second layer) was comprahemd by the “me” as a real world.
Finally I will conclude by suggesting a method of doing a WILD. That is that one should not be dead-tired when going to bed. Have enough energy to be mindfull. Do not do anything, do not try anything. If you feel you hold onto something, a thought or something else, then simply let go of that - but stay mindfull. If you begin to experience thoughts as reality and scenarious, then be mindfull of what you experience but do not emerge yourself in the scenarious to much - this might be a bit tricky! It is all about an act of balance. If you have ever done LD then you know what I am talking about, to much excitment will wake you up and to little will make you blackout - practise practise practise and learn about how to do it - just in the same way as when you learned how to drive.
I do hope that you have success in your WILD and that this post could help you somewhat in your progress. I am sure that you will manage sooner or later - I guess patient is a virtue when it comes to LD.
PS! If you have trubble of entering the Hypnogogia at will, then be mindfull about your body. Another advice would be to think about a song that you like - when you actually “hear it” then you are on your way.