Being relaxed, and feeling as if you're semi-spinning.

Whenever I’m lying in bed, my body completely relaxed, I start to get this spinning sensation. I feel my “body” lean over left, then right, then left, and back to the center. But the whole time I’m never actually moving. Can anyone tell me what this is?

Hypnagogic Hallucination. The side to side thing has for me appeared just as a sort of energy being there moving from side to side first big movements then like a pendulum switches side quicker but smaller until it’s centered. similar?

I get that feeling in my head…Normally its a rushing forward and backwards feeling…Is it considered to be HH? Never knew that…

Okay I’m not gonna say HH is absolutely the explanation to the rushing feeling, could be a better sense of bloodflow perhaps. But Ayen’s rotating feeling I’m gonna say is HH.

Most of the time i experience not a motion, but a kind of constant force pull, that tries to flap me over to the side, with my lower half being completely twisted already.
Hovewer, recently i got this extremely…unexpected feeling of rotation, like i am rotating on my back, like in break dance only with stretched arms and legs. The feel was so real, that at one point i was 100% sure that i turned 180 degrees, and my legs were resting on a pillow…that made me come to my senses and learn that i really stayed still the whole time…

I get that feeling too Ayen. I don’t think its HH because I don’t think I’m anywhere near asleep. I kind of get the feeling that I can control it, I just kind of think of going in one direction and it spins that way. After a little bit it goes away. I have no idea what it is.

It’s the transitional stage.

I used to get this sensation alot when I was younger. and now I don’t, though I wish I did, because it was very enjoyable in my opinion. Like when trying to WILD, I can’t experience this HH as some call it :sad: