Best Average Posts Per Day You've Seen

What is the most average posts per day you ever seen? Mine would definatly have to be from the Gaia forums with a average post rate of 175.96 posts per day. This person has 89210 total posts.

But man, 175.96 posts per day, thats like 3 hours at the rate of 1 post per minute.

Back when I first came here I was spending a few hours per day and my average was only 20 posts per day

Well, I’m at about 4, which I thought is quite high for a long-term member. I’ll have to check milod789… :content:

Edit: I’m at 4.34 and milod789 at 4.85 or something like that.

yeah getting a good average post per day at the start is the easy part
keeping it that rate long term :neutral:

as you can see i aint good at either

It’s not a competition or anything :neutral: it shouldn’t really matter as long as you’re enjoying yourself. :happy:

That’s crazy though, maintaining a 180 post per day average

but really 180 posts per day thats like really hard. What you gonna post for 180 post per day!

hmm i normally post about 5 or 6 posts per day. You guys have seen how many i post but look at this.

Total posts: 162
[0.16% of total / 0.52 posts per day]

To find your total posts per day divide how many days since you joined by your total posts. Since you joined in February that seems right to me.

If you want the average posts per day for only the last few days click on “Find all posts by…”

ahh i see ye i had a massive period of not posting anything ok.

Yup thats probably the problem.