Best technique for falling asleep initially?

What would be the best technique for inducing a LD if i didnt plan on trying WBTB or waking up during the night, just remembering and/or having a LD.

MILD, although it usually isn’t very effective by itself, you could combine it with another method.

That sounds right, its just as i looked over all the different ways it seemed like all of them required you to wake up at some point and then go back to sleep. I’ll try that and see what happens tonight.

WILD might also be a good option for you
if you feel very tired before going to sleep

I’v tried WILD a few times but not very successfully, the only time i got really close to doing it was my heart started to beat real fast and it looked like black clouds kept moving in and out of my vision. That time it made me wake up instead of go to sleep. So I might try that again later, but for now i think ill try MILD when i go to sleep and WBTB/WILD on the weekends when i have time. (School + trying to LD for the 1st time don’t go well together :wink: )

Probably MILD, combined with autosuggestion and reality checking throughout the day. WILD is simply to difficult to do at the beginning of the night. It takes too long to fall asleep and even then your probaby going to pass through deep sleep first (thats just the way the sleep cycle works) and it is darn near impossible to stay conscious during deep sleep.

I actually disagree. MILD was the method I first used to learn to LD at will. I do, however, agree that MILD works significantly better with a WBTB because you have less time while asleep for your intention to fade.