i’m completely new to lucid dreaming, and i’m absolutely obsessed. maybe a bit too much. i’m just looking forward to having my first ld (and i’m sure i’ll never shut up about it when i get it, so i apoligize in advance for that). i’m SO obsessed with it, in fact, that i bring it up in conversations. i don’t suggest this.
at work today, this seemingly interesting/open-minded guy came up to the counter and started talking about some things that most people would consider odd (he was a new-age type guy i suppose), so i figured i would bring up lucid dreaming because it was on my mind.
the guy IMMEDIATELY contacted my manager and i got my ass chewed out for it. apparently, it’s not a normal thing, and people think it’s psychotic.
i don’t see what the big deal is. i mean, i can understand that some things would creep people out, but the fact is that this isn’t an odd thing if you think about it. i can’t see how people aren’t interested in ld’ing. it just doesn’t make sense to me. i find it hard ot grasp the idea that people would just brush off the idea with little or no interest, but then again, i’m not one to force my beliefs and opinions/interests on people.
i just can’t believe i’m probably going to get fired for next to nothing. maybe i could get some huge kind of settlement out of it though. that would kick a little ass.
Sounds like that guy was over reacting big time And I don’t get why he would go tell the boss about it If you where stealing stuff from you job or something worse, I could understand it.
Mostly people either seem a bit interested at first or they don’t really say anything. But then again I’ve only told a few friends about it. But I also managed to find 2 friends that actually have LDs I was quite obsessed about LDs at first too, must have read most of the stuff on the forum. And I spent many, many hours each day reading about LDing,
Overreacted? Ill say. What the hells the big deal about LDing. You should have told your boss, while he was chewing you out, if you could take a secound for a RC. LOL
Yeah. Honestly, we must be missing somebody cause unless you really were being psychotic about it or scaring their kid, their would be no reason to tell the manager.
I just assume people aren’t interested and keep it to myself to enjoy. If people are going to act like that when you go to help them they don’t even deserve to know something like this exists. Just my 2 cents. Enjoy it for yourself.
the guy was talking about crystals and how "they give you so much energy, man, so i carry this [here, he pulls out a bag fullf of crystals he undoubtedly paid $40 at some shop when he could have gotten them for 25 cents apiece at one of those crank machines] with me everywhere i go. apparently, it went against something he believed in. i talked to my boss, and he said he just did that in front of the customer so he would leave my manager and myself alone, because apparently the guiy had been bugging him about it for about 20 minutes. i wasn’t really being odd either. if i can remember correctly, all i said was that i found it interesting that one could realize when they are dreaming and, in a sense, control their actions while in the dream. it wasn’t like i held a knife to the man and said “LD RIGHT NOW OR DIE!!!1````” or anything of that nature. i didn’t even mention any of the methods. and to think that for a minute, i thought i had done something wrong.
Just cause something is scientifically proven doesn’t mean that it isn’t “bad magic” (hopefully parental controls didn’t sensor any of that). TK has been proven and they are even scientifically using it to help people with muscle dystrophy! Technologically! Any form of that can still be scientifically proven. I will name a list that may be censored out by the stupid controls… , Ouja, Levitation, PK, etc. NOTHING is impossible and these things don’t get names out of the blue. People really have done them before and that’s why they are well known enough that even Hollywood would depict them. I believe anything the common joe would know about is REAL. Lies don’t go that far. Anyways, back to my main point. Just because something is scientifically proven doesn’t mean that christians and what not wouldn’t have a problem with it. Christians generally believe that anything depicted by hollywood as paranormal or is bad and works by the power of some dark loser in some dark demention. Lucid dreaming and OBEs fit under that category of paranormal and to the common guy you’d encounter at the grocery store, despite whether their christian/catholic or not. However, christians/catholics tend to be a bit more defensive of their beliefs (trust me, I live in a family of them). That is why I said, “Must’ve been a staunch christian/catholic”.
This story makes me really sad about the state of the modern society today. I find it extremly narrowminded that people can believe in far fetched stuff like spirits, tarot cards and all that stuff and then at the same time they dont believe in simple things like conscious dreaming, which by the way has been proven to exist scientifically.
And how the h*ell can this be related to your job? How can they fire you for something not related at all?
I think you should maybe hook them up with certain sites which explains what lucid dreams really are and the fact that they are proven to exist.
I find it far more psychotic that people can blindly believe in a God, cause that is not even proven at all and is very far fetched.
I personally can believe in BOTH and in ALL. I keep my mind open till someone proves something doesn’t exist in a way that I can logically accept. I believe in a LOT of things including God, Magic, no God, no Magic, Nirvanah and Bhudda, Reincarnation, Jesus and alot of things that contradict each other, simply because I find it better than not believing anything. Believe EVERYTHING and when you die you will be sure to be in the right!
TK hasn’t been proven… no form of ‘psychic’ powers has.
What I meant is, how could something that has been scientifially proven, and reported to have been done by many people (many times) without any ill side effects be a bad thing (or psychotic)? Getting done in by your boss over it is a joke.
well, i talked to my boss today about it, and i gave him my dvd of waking life, and he goes “no thanks, i’ve seen it.” as it turns out, he was really into it in college. he then apologized again.
as far as how it was assumed i work in a grocery store, i’m not sure. i work in a musical instruments shop, and half of the majority of the people that come in there are generally the “odd” people or emo kids wanting to get famous. i appreciate the feedback from everyone basically saying i didn’t do anything to justify the speech i got from this customer. i hope he comes in again though. i’ve got some print-outs i’d love to give him.
Sounds like a load to me. Who gets mad because you tell them about lucid dreaming? What are your chances your boss was into lucid dreaming in college? IF he was, why would he wait to tell you till you offered him your DVD of Waking Life? IF he was, why would he be in favor of the customer more than you?
I can understand where you are coming from - I have done loads of customer service work… management are always too scared to tell the customer to just go %#@ off and stop wasting my time! Too many repurcussions… so they go for the easy option… and is to sht on you! Customers can be totally irate and unreasonable… but this guy just sounds like a nutter anyways!
Fortunatly I have been in positions where I could tell customers to literally (expletive) off… and not be fired for it… you have such a sense of satisfaction afterwards!
As you can guess… I am no longer in customer service. he he!