I really need to ask a question in high hopes of getting a good answer. I want to do a MILD techneche but whenever i do try i can’t seem to fall asleep. Could someone please tell me why i can’t fall asleep and any way i could fall asleep using MILD.
ah yes, I too used to have this problem. you might be consentrating to much and your keeping yourself awake, or you could be forcing yourself to stay totaly aware. you should be, by my experience, relaxed enough for your body to fall asleep, but still aware enough so that you can set your intent. my suggestion is that you relax your mind more. I know, what I said is really confusing, but this is how I overcame this problem. hope it helps
I still have this problem myself lone. What helps me is to let my mind go totally blank. then single mindedly recite your mantra. You know that feeling you get when you wake up in the middle of the night? its kinda a empty mind feeling. try and regenerate that then focus on the intention to LD or whatever your mantra is.
Eventually you will lose track of your mantra dont focus on it just keep reciting it until you drift off. usually when its the last thing on your mind you will LD.
When I focus on my intent. sometimes the back of my head begins to feel pressure. focus on trying to keep the pressure on the top of your head. Once you feel it in your forehead you are just about to fall asleep, make sure it is really set in stone and then know it will work. you will become lucid.
its quite easy actually. I hope I made sense
also, what I do is keep concentrating on your mantra and when you feel you are drifting off just let yourself go insead of keeping yourself awake.
Well see the trouble is that I can’t fall asleep fast anyways. It always takes me about an hour to fall asleep. If anybody would give me tips on how to relax that would be a big help.
Hi lone
You know how a song is when it gets stuck in your head, and no matter waht you do you cant get it out.
I always do my mantra like that, try getting them stuck in your head or something, you dont have to think about it, but it is still there. If you can get it to do that you will be in good shape.
IF it takes you a long time to fall asleep, you have too just let yourself go. Intstead of focusing on your intent and constantly repeating your mantre, try just to set an intention and then let it go.
When I first started Lucid Dreaming (not that I am an expert, yet) I would calmly ask myself if I was dreaming every two minutes or so while trying to fall asleep. Eventually it became like clockwork and eventually when I was starting to form a dream, the thought would cross my mind.
You cant have the thought as a really concious thought. Its got too be more of just an idea that floats into your mind like its riding on a cloud, and if the answer is no, float right back out without disturbing anything.
Hope this helps!!