BIG state of mind

I’ve experienced a strange mental state. It’s very hard to explain.

Basically, everything feels big. Your mind feels like it’s floating, you feel very small.

Here’s some chat logs taken with permission to explain it:

Has anyone else experienced this before?
If so, do you have any information to add?

I sure have experienced it!
Its pretty well explained (considering its impossible to explain without experiencing it yourself)
But i hope more people come out and more have actually experienced this. it is a odd state of mind indeed. one where thoughts are both clear and blurred.

Is this like the feeling you get after waking up from a LD or is this something inside of a LD?

I get this feeling naturally when trying to fall asleep sometimes,
usually when I’m thinking deeply about something.

Though I can kind of induce it by will.

Ehhhhhhh… I feel like I know what your talking about but I can’t remember a specific time when I’ve experienced it… I could be aliens :tongue:. I’ve had these feeling were I’m shaking back and forth REALLY fast, like there are these rubber bands attached to me and someone pulls me back and lets me go. I feel really small when that happens… haha

This reminds me of something, not sure if it’s the same… I get this sometimes when I’m trying to fall asleep at night. It feels like my mind zooms out, or as if someone changed the lens so that something close seem to fly into the distance and get tiny. It’s really weird. :bored: But I like it.

EDIT: This morning I had another type of these weird states of mind, also while trying to sleep. I’ve had it before but forgot about it. It’s different than the big thing, but I’ll post it anyway. Although… it’s even harder to explain :cry: It’s so abstract and weird. It’s more tactile too. I get the impression there’s somthing big and round or fluffy and something tiny and thin and they interact somehow. Ok, it’s just impossible to put into words, I wonder if anyone else has had this… :sad:

This has to be more known to people, i have grown to become natural with the feeling. i can induce it at will whenever i want. i can even sometimes do it during the day when i am tired enough. heres what happens though:

Every time i try it with my eyes open, everything goes black and fuzzy, but i dont loose concousness, actually i first tried this watching a girl talk, but after around 2 mintues, i could only see her face, and strangely started to look like a guy, as if my mind was altering what i saw, but i was for sure in a state of a BIG mind. then her eyes became red and a wave of panic and i became really scared, since then i have only tried BIG once again… but now it doesnt happen anymore

The other thing is this: after about 5 minutes of big, i had a vison (my eyes were closed) that i saw a man in a grey suit walking past me holding a silver colt .45 in his left hand and a iphone in his right hand… this was EXTREMLY vivid. and i KNOW that it for sure was NOT HI! why? because i have never entered SP/had any kind of HH. So for sure it was the BIG that was the reason i saw this image… but for sure i know i saw it. and i know it was there, in my mind.

idk how, but on IRC i randomly went BIG without meaning to, and my eyes were open. and it almost seemed that the music i was listening to was inside of my… very strange

I get like that sometimes. It’s a strange mood. You feel very detached from the world. I can’t quite explain it, but I know what you mean. Though it doesn’t last for too long for me. Usually a day or two. Here’s a funny fact. I tracked it down for a while, and it was directly connected to the different moon phases. Maybe you could try doing that!

The moon phases? this is madness! haha i havent been practicing it very much, it brings me anxiety whenever i do it for some reason.


Mattias does it feel like your like… have two rubber bands attached to you and someone pulls you back and shoots you forward and you just bounce around. And you also feel really big then really small?

Ohh yeah I’ve felt this feeling before I think. I was thinking about how there could be more living things on planets and are universe could just be a small little ball in someones hands. Then I could start to see are universe from far away and I wondered If I was someones puppet or like if everyone else was robots and I was the only one that could control myself. I don’t know It just felt so weird. But for me I kind of felt like a Deja Vu Feeling but way I mean way more weirder and it feels like your not even there