BIZZARE side effect of LD/Dream diary..

Moved to the First Steps forum cause it’s a DR effect which may happen to beginners.

Ok I’ve just begun my quest for lucidity and already making rapid progress. Everyday I record 2 or 3 dreams, I just can’t fathom not remembering them in the morning… it comes naturally.

And, even better, I can go lucid… unfortunately I haven’t been able to stay lucid all that well without waking up recently or losing the lucidity, but nonetheless, I can easily go lucid.

Now for the side effect. I think I’m going mad! I’ll just be walking around at school and, constantly, I’m bombarded with memories from my past. Memories I otherwise would not have tried to remember or been able to remember for that. And this has never happened to me before. Only since I started my quest for lucidity…

I have this too :happy: I LOVE IT! I remember good old memories of feelings long lost, stuff I saw long ago! It’s awesome!

I wonder why you’re bugged by it. I mean, there must be good stuff in your past to remember too, right?

Good comment, Valkor. :smile: Indeed, there may be some funny side effects when you begin to recall dreams. One of them may be confusing dream memories and RL memories. It happened to me sometimes when I decided to enhance my DR. Yet I didn’t experience more memories from my past and this curious side effect disappeared after about two weeks. I think it happens because you train your memory or something like that. Nothing to go mad by the way. :wink:

Hmm… I was just struck by this post. It reminded me of something similar. I don’t mean to scare you or anything, but I had been in online contact with someone who around the starting months of the year had epilepsy. She used to go to this forum too. Anyway, she told me that she would stop (at least for then) actively pursuing LDs/Dream recall. She said that it might had something to do with it and for the most part I believe. Anyway, as far as her explanation, she says that she gets deja-vus or sudden times when she recalls things and that she got them more when actively tring to dream recall. According to what she had researched on epilepsy, she explained that those moments were small ‘short-circuits’ in the brain while an epilepsy was a major one. In pursuing LDing again, it might had exaggerated her condition to the point that it pushed her to an epileptic attack. (I’m sure it was a mix of factors that made it happen.) I’m not sure if I understood her explanation well enough but that’s the gist that I got. Still, I told her that maybe someday she could try acively pursuing LDing again.

Anyway, just something I though was worth mentioning.

Yeah… I noticed that side effect when I first started (and still do get it when I am) DR’ing. It’s not entirely bad, because I’m just in the shower or lying in bed or whatnot. What IS strange for me, however, is false memories… Can’t tell if I’m really having a false memory or a memory of a dream from last night…


This is going to come as a bit of a shock but, I actually have epilepsy! no joke!!

and what you said, Ru, describes it more. I get mad deja-vus. I, if you’ve seen some of my other posts, tend to have a VERY reliable memory. I cannot fathom waking up and not being able to write AT LEAST a page on my dreams the previous night. Usually I remember three or four and can write more than 2 pages. My memory is also my primary weapon in school, being the main factor in my great academic success.

Anyways I now see this as more interesting than annoying, in spite of the opposite generally being the case; especially since you guys have said you experience the same…

I have legitimitely (sp?) started my Lucid dreaming quest!!