Black and White or Color?

I was reading this book on dreaming last night, and there was an article in there that say that most people with undeveloped dream recall tend to view all dreams in black and white. When I read this, I thought about it for a while. I realized I have never actually experianced a dream in black and white. Does this mean I have a natural affinity for dream recall, or is this just poorly conducted reasearch? Anyone else here have black and white dreams?

I think it is just poorly done research. The closest dream to black and white was a short WILD that I had this morning, where some was black and white and most of it was in colour (I won’t journal that dream though).

[spoiler]Off topic:
(I like the Creed reference in your signature, as well)[/spoiler]

I forget where, but I read somewhere that the percentage of people who dream in black and white is about 13%. I think it’s just something that varies from person to person, but I’m not sure of the underlying causes, if any exist.

I haven’t had one black and white dream in my life. Dull ones but never colorless. I remember on average 1 dream per night.

I’ve always dreamed in hyper-real color (That means, I see things in ND as well as LD, in colors that are more vivid than in real life). But my new step-father said that, (Today actually!) he always dreams in sepia-tone, when I ask when the last color dream he had was, he replied “The’ve always been in sepia…”

Sounds about right…

How old was the book? I’ve read research about how most people dreamt in B&W while TV was only shown in B&W, but that after the media’s switch to color television, most people dreamt in color.