Blown Out Ears?

I mean, I’m not doing anything in particular, when randomly, I’ll hear really loud tinnitus in one ear, or go almost temporarily deaf. Has anyone had this happen to them?

Yeah sometimes I get such a high beeping that I hear the stuff around me “blurred” and it almost kills me. Comes from listening to much head phone music, I guess. :tongue:

My tinnitus has been bad in the past, but never to the point where I couldn’t hear anything else. I suppose that means I should be thankful, at least.

I’ve had that before. Usually goes away within a few seconds. Though there’ve been other times when I’ve not been the only one to hear it for no reason… is it possible that it can sometimes have an external cause (that isn’t just a loud noise)?

This happens to me every now and then. Low blood pressure, maybe?