My mom’s a medician, and she once told me that patients with mental help oul take sugar pills andbe told the pills woul help them. Well, it is just a case of placebo effect, but it works on some peaple. What if we all make a random brew and tell ourselfs (or tell our subconscious) that that brew as the power to provoke a LD. It’s a other type of MILD actualy, but when someone is deperate in LDing, he as to create every techniqe possible.
i think that would work better if someone just posted online that E.G. spegetti before bed will help you LD, and then people would belive it.
i just have a harder time lying to myself and then beliving it, than if someone else was lying to me and i did not have any preconseved notions on whether the information was true or false.
but good idea though!
Placebo effects, most likely, only work when you absolutely trust that it will. Just telling yourself something will work when you know it won’t will do sweet F.A, most likely.