calling for your memory guide when lucid...?

i just wondered if someone ever tried to remember something they had forgotten in the real world in an LD?

i explain myself a little more. If you have forgotten where you put your keys or something. Ever tried to remember where you put it when you were lucid?

i thought maybe you were abel to remember such stuffs like as if you were hyptnosised. (don’t know if LD and hypnoticed state are at all the same…)

one way to try to remember would be to call for a guide (like you could call for a spirit guide), or just ask any DC, who answear your questions about your memory. anyone wanna try this? atleast i’m gonna try it next time i’m lucid. I just have to find something i would like to remember. (what i did last saturday night maybe? :content: )

good idea hope somebody tries this and post the results :smile:

should be in the lab maybe this one, is a nice experiment :smile:

I’ve tried incubating dreams about a certain girl I danced with at a wedding a year ago because I couldn’t remember her face :eh: But it seems I’m as unsuccessful at incubating dreams as I am at inducing LDs :sad: I’ll put this at spot number 2 on my LD to do list.