Can this be possible?

I’ve seen movies (don’t remember right now) which the person has this dream, for example: that he/she’s fighting a mosnter and the monster make a cut in his/her arm and when he/she wake up he/she have the same cut as in the dream.

can this be possible or this is product of bad hollywood imagination?

by the way if this is possible or/and has happened what is the name of this phenomenon?

well, i believe that it is possible. however, not in the sense that is portrayed in movies. it would take SO much for the person to be able to recreate their dreamstate is reality. 1. they would have to be FULLY aware taht they were dreaming. 2. they would have to understand that dreaming is just as real, if not more real than our waking life.

that being said, i dont know if the two realties are mergable, in other words, i dont know if your soul is in your body in your dreamstate at any time, so it would be hard for it to be able to change the body when not within it.

intersting question. :smile:

Thanks atlantean! :cool:

There are two possibilities for this. The dream can be caused because of the injury (recieved while sleeping) or the injury could be caused by the dream.

Perhaps a leg becomes twisted or you end up lying on a limb. This slows your bloodflow to that limb and this can carry through to a dream.

I remember I read recently here that somebody had seen injuries on their body after they recieved them in their dreams. I can’t remember who it was.

It is not posible to directly take injuries which you sustained in a dream with you to waking life, unless ofcourse it happens like in the following example; You hurt your arm smashing it into the wall at night because you turn and twist a lot while you sleep, and you dream that night that your arm got hurt, and wake up to have that same arm in pain… However, stuff like “someone stabbed me / shot me etc” isn’t gonne cause any physical damage. Don’t forget that dreams are mental events that happen in your mind…

Those physical injuries IRL do not happen because of injury dreams, they cause the dreams. I don’t really see how “dream substance” can materialize into waking life substance.

I agree with Xetrov and Johan on this matter.

I think it is possible to some extent. There are many cases of people who psychosomatically inflict haemorrhaging.

So the question is, Is this a result of the dream, or the dream a result of the injury (consensus appears for the latter)

However, I would agree that Hollywood has taken this idea just that one step further.

OK, psychosomatic pains are by definition a borderline case in this debate. If you can mentally cause physical harm to yourself in waking life, it’s probably possibe in dreams too. But the kind of injuries talked about in the first post (cuts in your arm etc) can hardly be seen as psychosomatic injuries.

I agree - I just said that Hollywood has taken the idea (of psychosomatic injuries) that one step further - it is the product of Hollywood’s imagination.

So in other words, it can be possible but not in the extreme.

I think their saying that if you really wanted to, you may be able to trick a limb into thinking it was broken or something (so, you’d get the pain, but there wouldn’t actually be an injury).

Why you’d want to do this though, is a mystery…

“for example: that he/she’s fighting a mosnter and the monster make a cut in his/her arm and when he/she wake up he/she have the same cut as in the dream”

i would agree it is possible, for one thing something like that happend to me, i was dreaming about something and i started to choke and i woke up because i was choking (in real life)another thing that happend is that i was laying by my dyer, and i dreamed about being on a hot air ballon but it was werid looking, and ways they higher it got the hotter my feet got, and i woke up because my feet were getting really hot, so yes it is possible

no injuries though, so in otherwords it is possible

Ok, i think i get what you and the others guys are trying to say.

i just wanted to share my experience

Rickdizzle… your experiences from your dreams were a result of evironmental factors outside yourself… what you experinced in your dreams was a reflection of sensory input from outside.

If I understood this thread right… then we are looking at the dreams causing external injury from just having dreamt it.

Don’t get me wrong though… I liked your stories! :content:

I seriously doubt it’s possible. But maybe it’s like a placebo thing. Like mind over matter. I’ve heard of people healing their sicknesses mentaly. And if they can affect their bodies that way wouldn’t it make sense that they could reverse the effect? :eh: Interesting.

My girlfriend would have dreams about something coming out of her wall, and attacking her, she’d wake up with scratches on her back. She naturally LD’s, they all turn into nightmares, she hates it, I’m trying to get her to think positively and have good LD’s.


Why didn’t your GF:

  • Kill the creatures (she knows it’s not real)
  • Or make freinds with it (which is actually the better of the two things to do - it just isn’t as much fun :wink:).

I’ve been thoroughly killed in many dreams, in many ways. Perhaps the most dramatic was being literally skewered right through the heart by a huge, medieval sword. I’ve also had limbs amputated either by violence or in accidents. But IRL I’m still in one piece.