Can u test this for me?

Hio… I am not LDing right now and only have about 1LD/month so i cant test it myselfe so I wonder if some one could try this in a LD
It is actual a RC if it works…

Ok… when u are in a LD… Put your finger on your eyelid and press a little bit… And se if you see dabble… Could u plz writ the result her?

The thing is that I am locking for a really fast RC…

Hi :cool:

I tried this in my LD last night. I couldn’t see anything, and it wasn’t uncomfortable or painful either. It just felt a little strange. I wouldn’t recommend poking myself in the eye all the time though :cool:

Siiw: lol
Yeah, that’d be kindda unpractical as a RC.

What’s the pourpose of this may i ask?

To see if his idea would work as a RC. And it wouldn’t, cos you couldn’t take it in real life without poking your own eye out.

Anything could be a RC. For example, a RC could that if you look at your clothes and if their pink, then you’re dreaming.
Or if touch your head and you have a tree there instead.
Or if you look a photo and it moves.
Or if…

RC’s are absed entirely on expectations. The lightbulb RC over works cos you expect it to work - if you actually expect the light to turn on, it will.

The same with the finger RC. You only have the wrong number of fingers because you expect too.

This basis is applied to all RC’s. So, any action can be a RC, as long as it’s practical (eg. no sticking a knife in your stomach).

I like the nose plugging RC b/c IRL you can pysically TRY to breath in and you don’t have to think abut anything just try to breath in, literally.