Is it possible to program your mind in order to have more lucid dreams? What I’m talking about is having a DC tell me I’m dreaming, perhaps it could boom over loadspeakers in my head head, anything active. I’m not talking about a dreamsign, when a certain thing appears and I use that to remember that I’m dreaming. I’m talking about something more active. When you dream, you’re inside your mind. When you LD, you can do anything inside your mind. To me it seems possible to be able to program something in your mind to enable more lucidity. I’m not sure what that is or how one goes about doing it, but perhaps there are suggestions or an actual technique. Peace, Love, and…
I can only tell you that this is indeed possible.
Any suggestions? Have you done something like this, Robin?
All I did was programming myself to wake up at a certain time, this works. And with the real motivation, what you said is definately possible.
I think a few people have managed something like this, but then again a fair few have tried and failed. It probably takes practice.
Didn’t they do this with VILD?
it is certainly entirely and 100% possible
it is an issue of dedication.
what i would recommend i suppose is an intensive approach to this. start in the middle of the day, create a dream character, give it a name, start talking to it in your head and programming it. do it while eating lunch or something.
once that is established, you would go to bed having an imaginary conversation with this dream character, whose only purpose is to constantly parrot to you that you are dreaming.
i would then really follow it up by doing WBTB the same time every single night, and being relentless during this period of time in VILDing or however it is you want in order to get this program that you have a DC to remind you of being lucid going.
but, if dedication is your motivating factor perhaps it would be beast to master WILD.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll consider it. I’m working on WILD, but I’m nowhere near mastering it. Peace.