can't get pass hypnagogic state

Hello everybody i recently discovered this forum and lucid dreaming, and have been trying to have a lucid dream since them using WILD, but i have a problem the few times i got to hypnagogic state (is this the therm ?)i woke up, because i felt really unconfortable with the buzzing sound or by the eletricity feeling that comes with it and went back to wake.
Is there a way to go around this problem ?

Hi. :wave:

That sounds like the hypnagogic state, but I’d say “vibrations” just to be more clear. Those are good, not bad! Not a problem at all! For me, the vibrations come in electric surges, and I just need to stand up or log roll while the vibrations are occurring. You may need to wait for powerful vibes (fork-in-an-outlet is how I like to describe it), but maybe not. You might also want to take it easy the first couple of times… Just so you don’t fall out of bed by mistake.

For me, it feels exactly like moving my physical body (just in case you were going to ask :tongue: ).

:welcome: Your really close and when im useing that method im always stuck at that point. Its probably the most advance, for me at least. Ive gotten past that a couple of times but it needs to be while your extremly relaxed and in the right state of mind and positve about it. Just picture yourself at the bottom of a swimming pool and you need to reach the surface. Its kind of a scary thing but its really not after its happend a couple times. It worked for me so give it a try if u want.

What happened to me a few nights ago was that I when heavily trying WILD after WBTB I started to hear a loud buzzing, sounding like rapid “Wuww! wuww!” after eachother. In this state I could start twirling, whatever, and eventually got dream input in, (in this case I saw two girls dance in my room and play flute for me), at this point I think I was dreaming. I tried it tonight too, not as successful, I could hear small twitches of the buzzing but no more :sad:

If I get to the same state again I’ll try the log roll or crawling like Dunlar suggested :smile:

Just keep trying. It will come sometime to you :thumbs: