How old are you? I remember in 8th grade I would be scared to turn off the lights because I’d always start thinking about stuff like that. I’d been reading this book about the last human on earth, everyone else was vampires, and it was pretty scary. (It’s called I am Legend and it’s by Richard Matheson, I think it’s my favorite book ) But yeah, I’m 16 now and I guess I haven’t watched any scary movies in a long time and I kinda grew out of it. I’m sure if I watched the the Ring or something… GUH.
Yeah. Don’t watch scary stuff.
Also—this applies to quite a few things—acknowledge that the thought is there, but ignore it.
Well, I’m just 14, so that probably has something to do with it. Although Ringu is the only thing that has ever scared me like that. That book sounds interesting, I’ll check it out.
Yep, I’m 16 also, and grown out of it (living alone has helped a LOT), but having someone here at night - I wouldn’t worry even if the TV would explode, front door crash down and a MIG fighter fly through the window.
So I would probably be a little less stressed if I had a girlfriend.
Occasionally, when I’m on an insomnia-induced TV-watching spree, I’ll start thinking about one of my irrational fears. It’s this red-eyed, disfigured monster. I imagine that, when I’m laying down, it’ll slide out from under my bed and raise slowly, every so slowly, to a standing position. Other times, I imagine it coming through my window or walking by my room. My solution: watch cartoons! It always helps me when I’ve done something like watch Stephen King’s It at midnight. When I’m about to go to sleep, I’ll flip over to Tom and Jerry or whatever’s on Adult Swim (Cartoon Network) and watch for about five or ten minutes. After that, I’ll sleep like a baby.
There is one way that you can relax… i just discovered it about a month ago and it works wonders for me. it is called Brainwave Entertainment. There is a special sound that is played through your headphones and it (1) helps you relax and (2) puts you to sleep. the website where you can find out all about it is
I have that BWgen-thing. The only problem is that my computer is watercooled (2 x 120 mm fans) and is almost as noisy as that MIG-fighter Preyer mentioned. Thanks for the tip, though.
So the solution is to move away alone and get a girlfriend? Damn.
Both of these things are kinda hard. Darn.
Well, thanks for the answers.
Yes, the whole thing about bringing back your conciousness makes you aware of your dream… as a symptom you become lucid if you have any more questions keep postin them!