Cant remember my dreams. Any advice?

I’m a deep sleeper and I have never in my life remembered a dream. I found out about ludic dreaming a couple of days a go and have being trying some of the stuff but when I wake up I still cant remember anything about any dreams I’ve had.

Apparantly the dream diary is the first thing you should do but i’ve got nothing to put into it

Is there any advice or anyone who has had this problem cos I really want to have ludic dreams?


Hhhmmmm, tricky. You say you’ve never remembered a dream in your life? Come on, there must be something. anyway, there’s a technique mentioned on this site which involves drinking a glass of water, half of it before you go to sleep, and the other half when you wake up. When you drink the first half, you’re supposed to visualize yourself drinking the next half and remembering your dreams.

By the way, dreams only leave short term memories unless you think about them in the 30-60 seconds space after you wake up (if you do then they get transferred to long term memory).


Ill try tht tonight

do u think of what u want to dream about b4 you go to sleep?

Get yourself a voicerecorder.
Some simple one so you can just talk nto it what you have experienced in your sleep.
If you cant remember a dream, record what you felt when you woke up and what you felt before you fell aslepp.

For me, writing the dream takes too long and it almost always makes me annoyed to even write down the silly ones, because i only want lucid dreams.
And only feel that the effort should only be placed on them.
So for me, talking into a recorder about what i have been dreaming is much more comfortable than sitting and writing down my dreams.
Writing takes too long and it almost always feels like when i got to half the page everything is flooding on me and i just cant get everything down to paper and it only feels disturbing and hard to write.
The best thing about a voicerecorder is that you can just babble into it and dont have to worry about how you write and how it looks etc etc, that… you can worry about later when you are gonna listen to it later :wink:

My advice is to get a voice-recorder.

we have a BIG topic dedicated to remembering dreams. … php?t=2859

we try to keep things central so please continue this interesting discussion there.

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