Can't Sleep!!!

Someone help me!
i have been trying to become lucid but now i have found that i cannot sleep!
i feel to concious before i goto bed!
someone help me figure a way around this pleease!
i don’t sleep until eg 3am

  1. have you ever had sleep problem before?

  2. What induction method are you trying? ( I am assuming WILD from your post)

if you are wilding, don’t wild in the night, do it in the morning!

trying to WILD while going to sleep can produce insomnia.

whatever your normal bed time is, all you need to do is sit down and do some deep breathing, then look at your eye lids and observe the colors, observe your thoughts

don’t try to think

just observe what thoughts come up

maybe once in a while, if it gets hard, say “that was itneresting” or provide some commentary… but you know, just let stuff flow through your mind… while looking at your eyelids.

As far as I can tell that will naturally lead to you falling asleep… the key is looking at the eyelids for me while doing it… but yeah this is just for me, I could be different.

Give it a try though, also sometimes just staring at something with your eyes open while trying to think AS FAST AND LONG AS YOU CAN like, try not to have any thought gaps, constantly be sayign something in your head, can help.

when you do hit a thought gap it makes you feel drowsy.

I get that too… and I don’t know how to stop it.

Just trying to clear my mind before I go to sleep (like it says on this site) doesnt help me fall asleep… it makes me stay up. I NEED to let my thoughts wander to fall asleep.

I’m very new to LD, but I’ve been practicing meditation to sleep for a couple of weeks now with great success. I don’t know if my method is appropriate however, so if not, someone should point it out.

Generally, when I go to bed in the evening, my mind is very noisy with random thoughts. I can usually quiet them by either focusing on the rhythm of my breathing or the feeling of being absorbed by the comfort of my pillow. I’m usually out of it by the time everything is silent.

Really? Would the insomnia stop when you stop attempting WILD? Have you experienced this?

yeah i have been thinking about using a meditation cd for tonight to see how it goes…

it only happened really recently when i tried applying myself to LDing
a week ago i could sleep like a baby.
i think its cause i am going about the whole thing wrong…
i seem to be slowly drifting to sleep then when images cross my mind i feel like instantly my concious jumps into it and screws up my getting to sleep!
its like i’m becoming concious at the wrong time :razz:

im gonnna try a range of techniques to help see what i can do!

Thanx alot for ur advice!! :smile:

btw can someone tell me where i can find the def for mild and wild
cause i am farely knew and i have heard of these techniques but haven’t found them as yet…

Thanx :content:

You’re like me. But I got round that, by being able to say my mantra/listen to my breathing whilst letting my thoughts wander at the ame time.

absolutely, all the time… the whole point of WILD is screwing up your sleep cycle, staying conscious until you enter REM, or NREM, or hypnagogics, or whatever… it kind of serves as a meditative rest for you if you fight of the feelings of drowsiness until a point where you feel really trippy and not at all tired.

But even if you don’t get that far, if you waver in and out of sleep too much (i’d say more than 15 times) that can kind of screw you up and make it hard to fall asleep for real.

Don’t try to wild when you lay down in bed, that’s a recipe for insomnia.

Do it in the early morning, around 20 minutes to an hour before you’d normally get up.

Now I’m not saying that WILDing at night will give you insomnia, it depends how far you push it, like for me if I get to a point where I’m really tired and I know that if I keep trying, I’m not going to sleep well, I’ll just go to sleep…

(i’ve never WILDed at night successfully either)

WILD is easiest in the morning when you have gotten enough rest! It’s very very very hard at night, I think only really skilled people with some good meditation/focusing techniques can do it.

THat’s what happens to me… I don’t know if it’s wrong though, as I’ve slowly (over 6 months!) gotten better at it to where if I catch myself soon enough before it gets too bad, I can prolong it and never actually jolt in/out of awareness.

But yes, if you are doing that, and you do it a LOT, eventually you aren’t tired anymore, but you are mentally tired, and well, it’s hard to get to sleep.

I dont’ recommend it unless you don’t care if you don’t get to sleep till around 3 a.m. or if you are familiar enough with yourself to know when you need to give up for the night and let yourself go to bed.

Interesting it cured me of my insomnia. I spoke about this in the big WILD topic. Keep in mind that everyone is different and will react to things differently. I do WILD at bed time with no ill effects. Does that mean that everyone will have the same experience as I? No. Some may have problems and others don’t. Dm7 and jeff both also talk about WILD at bed time with no problems if memory serves correctly. Do what is right for you and don’t set your standards by others experiences.

As for your insomnia:

You might want to look into meditation or WILD techniques that are meditative in nature like progressive relaxation. I think what can keep people awake is trying to stay too alert with WILD. You only want to have a slight awareness. Put a time limit on it. If you are not progressing after say (what ever time is good for you)then completely let go and allow yourself to sleep.

so milod do you actually succede at WILDing at night, into an LD immediately?

(i’m jealous if so) I think being able to do that would give me the best type of high level lucidity, just going from awake to dreaming like that, still in a good mindstate…

I guess it is different for everyone, as someone who wakes up frequently throughout the night and has difficulties falling back asleep, WILDing upon lying down in bed can be a dangerous thing for me.

It might depend upon what kind of sleeper you are I guess.

Keep in mind that when I use the term “WILDing” I mean TRYING to WILD, and not getting into a dream.

if someone can actually get into a dream I don’t see how it would make them sleep worse, no… it’s just that for me the process for trying to enter one is very draining and frustrating and can produce enough rest through “half sleep” in me that my body doesn’t want to go to normal sleep when I give up and try to sleep.

The WILD techinques themselves can serve as very useful to help you fall asleep though, providing you let go of awareness and try not to hold on.

So yes it does depend on the person.

Don’t be too jealous. It does not work all the time. I often fall asleep but, wake up later in a dream so in that way it has a MILD like effect. I am getting better though. I just started using WBTB as well a few mo ago and it is a lot easier you slip through the hypnogia faster. I do it both times.

I wanted to WILD but, was always afraid to do WBTB out of fear of not being able to get back to sleep. So I just kept practicing at bed time an I Eventually succeeded.

quoting what u said, holy reality

i am finding it hard to control it…
i listened to some meditation music and felt my body slowly starting sleep paralyses… i got some mental images and i was in a half dream, half wake mode but im finding it hard to detach myself from my wake body…

perhaps me trying to solve the problem is causing the problem…
if i just let my body do it, it should stop right?
thats saying if i try to stop it and its not stopping…
maybe its a mental thing…
maybe i should do the opposite and let my body do what it wants…