I’ve been doing WILD lately because RC doesn’t seem to work since I always forget to do them. I have a dog who wakes me up constantly in the morning so I don’t bother with my alarm. When the dog wakes up me up I know its time to start with the WILD.
My problem is that as soon as I realize I am dreaming I have a strange sense of duality. I can feel myself in bed and in my dream at the same time and I am sucked right back into the real world! ARRRRGGGGHHHH REALITY!!! I do not get excited about it at all when I become lucid. I just automaticly wake up. Sometimes I straddle the dream world and reality for what feels like ten to fifteen seconds. During this time I am fighting to hold onto the dream but I am always pulled into the real world. I am very new to this so what should I do?
There are a couple of things u can try.
Firstly try spin around when u feel like u r loosing focus in the dream or waking up. Secondly focusing on something also helps, look at your hand or an object and try to hold your focus on it. Hopefully one of these methods will work.
Good Luck!!
Some other things which could help you to stabilize your dream:
- Rub your hands and concentrate on the feeling (works fine to me!)
- Don’t stand still for a long time but walk around
- Pay close attention to the dream world
- Touch some things and notice how real/unreal it feels
Hope this helps a bit
Like you, RC’s don’t work for me so I have to do the wake back to bed method.
Stabilizing a ld can be frustrating. My main problem is that my lds have never lasted for more than a minute. The technique that I use the most is looking at my hands to make everything more vivid. I have only had over twenty lds so I am still experimenting to find effective ways. Another technique that works well is looking at the ground.
I sometimes have a problem like this were I still feel myself lying in my bed before I start to dream. I think this is part of the wild and you can simply go to bed like 10 minets sooner so by trhe time you hit REM you are in a state that you can lucid dream.
thanks for all the great advice. I’ve read of all those techniques before but I never think to do them in my dream. Its like I fight to hold onto the dream but only after I wake up do I think “spin around, look at the ground, …etc.” but it’s always too late. Why doesn’t someone just email me a spare LD they have laying around?
Vision questing…besides all good advices you did get
Remember it could be also you get lucid at the end of your rem sleep.
Then u got a big disadvantage because then u wake up anyway (soon)!
The last few nights I havn’t even had the pleasure of waking up on the verge of lucidity. I’ve been trying wild and I just end up drifting off to sleep in a normal fashion. My mind wanders away from the affirmations once I’m close to sleep and I don’t realize it. Could this be because I am too tired or not tired enough? Anyone?
this ALWAYS happens to me too! I just do a RC and go ‘wow! I’m dreaming’ even if I’m not excited I wake up! We should start a support group next time I’m going to yell ‘INCREASE LUCIDITY’ or something because I’ve been told it works!
It means u dont have enough sleep and are to tired, because only then your focusing is less then normal.
Vision if you are not well trained and talented for wild I think its more easy to do it early in the morning…just wake up an hour earlier then your used to and wild, weekends i means.
Yeah, or that you go back to bed too soon that you automatically fall asleep without realizing that you HAVE FALLEN asleep until you WAKE UP that you say, “Oh rats!”
Plus, like what Jeff said, if you’re too tired… it’s like your conscious side says, “Ah, I’m too tired to focus. Let’s just fall asleep.” Well, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to WILD when you’re tired, but it’s much harder to keep yourself focused when you’re tired. It works the best if you’re alert and awake when you attempt WILDing like in the morning as Jeff mentioned.
By the way, in order to stablize your dreams, I may repeat some of what they have said though as they are important and works very well for me. I’ll add some of my techniques as well if I can think of one.
- Look at the ground to stablize your dream world
- Look at the sky to stablize your dream world (sometimes it works)
- Look at your hands and pay attention to the details of your hands
- Walk around (don’t ever stay in one place… you WILL wake up if you do so)
- Be REALLY interested in your dream world (if you experience some dual consciousness… ingore it as if you’re REALLY 100% in your dream world)
- Spin like a spinning top with your arms out-extended (it will help you to render your dream body feelings; therefore, it will help you to return back into your dream world).
That’s all I can think of. Hopefully they will be helpful to you and everyone!
I’ve been working on all this. I’ve been getting up for about fifteen minutes in the morning before doing WILD and have had two false awakenings so far. One i dreamed that the dog peed on my bed and I got mad and then woke up into the real world. Then the other day I rolled over to look at my fiance’ but there was this screen on her side of the bed playing this super psychedelic pattern of colors that swirled out like a moving tye dye t-shirt. I was amazed at the intensity of the colors and became lucid. I was instantly sucked into the real world once again.
Does this mean I am on the right track? Am I getting close to a point where I can stay lucid?