I only found out about Lucid Dreaming about 2 months ago and I believe that I am doing great progress as to what I have read on the Internet and in books … I am at the point where I can remember about 2 and sometimes 3 dreams a night in very clear details … but I am still having 1 MAJOR hump to get over … when I actually realize that i am dreaming I wake up right away … i don’t stay there … then I fall in 1 sometimes 2 false awakaning before I am really awake … but I am still unable to stay in the dreams …
Example … last night I dreamt that I was the main character of the popular computer game of Medal of Honor (allied assault)
when I realized I was dreaming I was able to stay in the dream for what seemed to be no more then 1 minute then had a false awakaning and then woke up … any ideals of what I can do to stay Lucide … even if it is for another few minutes …
The Spinning technique is very much self-explanitory. At the point where you find yourself losing clarity or fading out, just spin around on the spot as you would in real life. Personally I stay away from this method because for me, the chance of continued lucidity in the following dream is quite low.
I perfer the ‘commands’ technique, where you stand still and order your environment to sort itself out using statements like “Increase lucidity”, or anything else equally direct. While doing this, I find it helps to focus on your hands, as the rest of the room will probbaly be significantly less stable, and may cause you to conclude that the dream is coming to an end (which it subsequently will).
At the very least, take some time to calm down and focus on your immediate surroundings as soon as you find yourself lucid. Don’t try to do anything overly stimulating until your mind has complete control. Keep at it - everyone has this exact problem when they are just starting out.
Many dreamers that have a short living ld ask 4 advise how to overcome this! Maybe it is time to give this topic its own sticky topic?
Because these questions will be asked again and again…