Hi! I’v been away from the forum for a while,
I’m starting to miss it so I think I’ll start spending more time here again. 
Anyway, I had an LD where I realized that I have the following problem:
I can’t think of stuff to do when i’m dreaming.
IRL I’ve written a long list with amazing things I want to do in my LDs, but once I get lucid, I can’t come up with anything.
I think "ok, now I’m lucid, what am I going to do? uuuh… " and I always end up just walking around looking at stuff.
This time I tried really hard to think of something from my list of things I want to do, but I couldn’t focus on it, as if I was drunk or something. 
Maybe you could just take one selection from your list and focus hard on it, and maybe even incorporate it into your LD technique? (e.g., MILD-- “I’m going to be dreaming and flying soon,” assuming you want to fly)
Try and make it something simple at first like flying for example.
Also, when you do your RC and believe that you are not dreaming say to your self “ I am not dreaming now but, the next time I am dreaming I will realize I am dreaming and I will fly ( or what ever you pick) You may even find yourself carrying out your desired action in the dream.
Anyway this is a very common problem and will fix it’s self in time. Your first few lucid dreams can be disorientating but, as you get used to being lucid in your dreams this will improve.
Good luck and congratulations on your LD.
I had this one lucid dream where i just stood in place and had no motivation to move or anything and everything slowly blurred. I was depressed at the time.
Vae Victus has a good idea. Just think, “the next time i am lucid i will do this” and you should remember it.