I am a current college student and I am truly interested in dreaming and lucidity, more then anything I have ever been interested in by far. I am now business major with one thing in mind … start a business and makes lots of money. But today I had an epiphany and wondered if that is what I would really enjoy, then I thought back to lucidity, I have been reading about it and loved it since I was 13 years old and still love it. Is there some direction for a college student to go to get into lucidity, and what kind of fields are available ? How much money do these people make? I am very interested and would love to know more.
All I know for sure is that you could study psychology and specialize in dream field. I know an author who actually is that counselor specializing in dream field. She works mainly with subconscious to help people overcoming their problems by having them interpreting their own dreams. I don’t have any idea how much she earns for doing that job, but I found some neat information from a website telling you about psychologists.
You also could study brain (I don’t know the proper word for that neuro… something) and become someone who specialize in brain and REM cycle. You could become a researcher specializing in REM cycle/dreams.
This type of jobs related with dreams are still small, but they’re starting to grow as more people become aware about lucid dreaming and its significance.
Good luck!
business isn’t the lucid dreaming field… heh… money isn’t either… heh
I think you can follow two directions if you want to end in dream research: psychology or biomedicine. The first explores the consciousness-related issues about dreaming, while the latter goes deeper into the brain mechanics behind dreams. In psychology there are several dream-related disciplines: psychoanalysis, neuropsychology, depth psychology, even transpersonal psychology. From biomedicine, you can choose to specialize in neurophysiology, sleep/dream research, and probably some more.
You could even send an e-mail to Stephan Labarge asking his advice. I bet he would respond.
I don’t mean to crush your dream (no pun intended), but I’d recommend that you keep lucidity as a hobby instead of a job. There isn’t much money in lucidity but there’s a lot of it in business. You might enjoy business, but no one loves their job as much as they love their hobbies, that’s what makes them hobbies.
You could stay in Business then, help Dr. Labarge market his products better. He is a great researcher but, bad at business. LOL
dont bother sending an email to the lucidity inst. they wont give u a very clear responce, well they didnt all the times that i have tryed.
You share my pashion for i too will get a job in lucid dreaming. I am heading into psychology next year and then after i have compleated that (PH.D ) lol i will start my own research here in australia on lucid dreaming, If you are interested contact me hrough my email, we can talk bout it there, just amke sure u say who u r and where u got my email. Hope 2 hear from ya soon