I never really get the concept, how you can go from a dream, to an LD.
I don’t understand how you can just do a reality check in your dream, or how you can just say to yourself, “This isn’t real”, and all of a sudden become Lucid.
I just don’t get it. Day before yesterday, I was getting into this Lucid Dreaming stuff, and I had a dream, that I actually remembered, and it’s hard to say, but I was “there” in the dream, but I never became lucid, or so I think. And last night, I don’t remember a dream.
2 - Set your intent
While drifting back to sleep, concentrate on your intent to be aware that you are dreaming. Repeat the following text, or one you write yourself:
I’m going to dream now. I’m in a dream. I’m aware of my dream.
If you find your thoughts wandering, bring them back softly, and keep repeating the words.
WBTB is a good way to increase your chances of becoming lucid. Probably not a good idea to stick with only WBTB, though. Picking MILD or WILD and sticking with it for a while is a good way to go. Remember, LDing can take practice to master. That’s not to say you won’t have a lucid dream tonight–but to become proficient at LDing takes time.
Basically, your brain does a lot of the same things when it’s asleep as when it’s awake. If you never check to see if you’re dreaming while you’re actually awake, you’ll almost never check to see while you actually are dreaming. If you’re constantly checking if you’re dreaming, you’ll start doing this in dreams, too. (The nose-plugging RC is a good one.) When you become lucid, you basically are just recognizing that everything around you is a fabrication of your mind.
Are you dreaming right now? It probably seems like you’re not. But you’ll learn not to trust your instinct on that. Reality checks are the only way to really know. Real life can seem like a dream; more commonly, dreams can seem like reality. In fact, they almost always DO seem like reality. Impeccably so. The first time I really became lucid, my heart started pounding from the excitement–everything was so REAL! Try to always be in a state of mind that never takes reality for granted. Because for a few hours every night, you mistakenly think you’re doing things in the real world while you’re actually snoring in your bed. With some practice, you’ll start to recognize this while you’re in the midst of it. Good luck!