Changing Sex?

Is this possible in LD?

How would it work? Obviously, I havn’t been the opposite sex b4… So I don’t know what it feels like. But IT sounds interesting, so I want to do it. :smile:

First Post. Hi!

I change sex all the time…First I use my right hand, then I change to my left hand.

I meant like gender. Male > Female. Female > Male.


^your funny kavaa…:smile:

um, in castenada’s “art of dreaming” the sorcorer at the end had changed its assemblage point so much, that it was no longer one or the other. it was rather just wahtever form it took. in other words, i think it would take some time to be able to really re-create yourself as the opposite sex in your dreamstate. The sorcorer mentioned had taken tens of thousands of years doing that.

It would be possible in LD. In the same way it is possible to shape shift into another animal form or fly etc.
Many people have normal dreams where they are the opposite gender, so why not in a lucid dream?

It’s been on my to do list (although right down enar the bottom) since I started up a to do list…

At any rate, you’re mind would create would you expect it to feel like. Which is actually a good thing, cos you can’t be disapointed that way :wink:.

It’s pretty interesting doing it.
For me, the most interesting part is how your weight shifts around.
I couldn’t walk after changing, because my body wasn’t used to the sudden change in weight distribution.
I was losing my balance a lot and falling a lot.
If you ever try it, at the very least, float first so you don’t end up stumbling around.

I actually got lucid once because I was female :eek: But it turned out that I had both male and female parts down there :shy: And I didn’t have any trouble with weight distribution :razz:

In a LD, I was a very old woman. I just realized it wasn’t normal when I woke up ! :happy:

Alaylle - Unless you’re a man who’s hung like a horse and decide to transform into Jordan, I personally doubt you’ll have any trouble with weight distribution…

Eh heh… well… I’m just really sensitive to changes in my balance and my weight!
I get carsick rather easily… airsick and seasick the moment the plane starts or I get on a boat.
When I get sick, nausea cripples me completely.
So… yeah… I think since I pay so much attention to that sort of thing, it tends to be the first thing I notice, and thus concentrate on after shapeshifting.

I had 3 dreams (twice lucid) where I was with woman, kissing, having sex, loving.
But I am not lesbian in the “real” world.

So I can imagine being a man then, and being atracted to woman in the same time, must feel similar? So change of sex should be possible with no problems, since I can create an atraction to women in my dream… ?


I have been male twice in dreams: Once, I was a man, picking up a woman on a dance floor. I reacted like a male, and felt male. Of course, I have no idea what it is really like.

Another time, in a lucid dream, I got a male body to help drag somebody out of an earthslide. It felt strange to be so strong, and with a different shape.

I have also seen dreams from male DC’s point of view, and I would appear male in mirrors etc. but not feel any different.

Alaylle: I get car/seasick very easily too, it is enough that I look down, but I have never once been motion sick in a dream. It is almost like it could be used as a RC. :cool: