
I think I might be interesting in joining an online dream club like Sea Life again, but I am looking for something that is not oozing with as much new age mysticism. Something secular, in other words. Any suggestions?

AFAIK Sealife teams are different, and maybe you can find a team what is not much into new age mysticism there? I have not joined one yet, but if i will join one day i also hope that i will be placed to somewhere where new age stuff hasn’t yet become dominant :tongue:

the teams at sealife all end up slightly different … my team isn’t into new age mysticism. But we also have a full team :wiske:
Also you are free to just remain in your own team if you wish and not venture out into the rest of sealife.

Remain in my own team? Nah, that’s no fun! Anyway, maybe I’ll look into Sea Life again some time. Not yet, though. This semester will be far too busy for me. I’d end up having my membership terminated again due to too much idle time. :smile:

I only recalled a couple dreams (one lucid) this month anyway. The lucid dream was a nice long and involved one. I sometimes do not have the time for dreams, but I always eventually experience a unique dream that calls me back. I will try some induction techniques this weekend… that nifty lucid dream I had ended just when things were getting interesting.

Talking about my own and other peoples dreams is fun, and can sometimes be enlightening. Maybe I will start lurking in the dream journal forum down here.

In completely unrelated news, I think it is about time I got a new sig. Poor Minsc needs a break. Butt kicking for goodness!