I do read the threads, but some personal approach is needed, i think. We’re all different.
Anyway, i did try LD a couple of years ago, and even got one or two, but then…well, things happen, and i didnt have the mind for it.
Now i want to try again - and cant !
I started to search around and found all those neat abbreviations existing. Anyway, MILD doesnt seem to work for me now as easy as it did in the past. So i concentrated on staying aware during transition, a WILD, basically.
Now. I kinda hit the wall. I lay down on my back, relax my body to the point of it getting numb and “sleep twitches” starting to appear. Then i create an impenetrable wall around myself in my mind, and slowly expand it to push off all those spontaneous and unnessesary thoughts till my mind is blank. That takes a couple of minutes. Then i get a distinct feeling that my body is somewhat asleep already. I shift my “mind’s focus” around my body, concentrating to my breathing and feelings in my limbs (for some reason i am sure i can strongly feel the blood pulse and circulate through my upper arms, but nowhere else, it feels like i can differentiate every arterie and blood vessel there).
Then i get very distinct feeling that my physical body is floating in emptyness, but somehow i can “see” the room around myself. I also get the feeling that my physical body is somewhat big for my mind, like my mind was human-sized, but my body is skyscraper-sized.
Then it all quickly dives into blackness (i am still aware). After a few moments in that blackness i realise that my mind have returned to its usual, daytime operation. I cant relax another time no matter how i try. The spontaneous thoughts return. However at the same time my consciousness becomes more and more fuzzy, i can hardly understand what i am thinking and what i am supposed to do. I sit, open my eyes, make a few reality checks…then i just lay on my side and in mere seconds get thrown in an ordinary dream.
Please, if its not too hard for you people, comment my experiences.