Comments on my progress needed

I do read the threads, but some personal approach is needed, i think. We’re all different.

Anyway, i did try LD a couple of years ago, and even got one or two, but then…well, things happen, and i didnt have the mind for it.

Now i want to try again - and cant !
I started to search around and found all those neat abbreviations existing. :smile: Anyway, MILD doesnt seem to work for me now as easy as it did in the past. So i concentrated on staying aware during transition, a WILD, basically.

Now. I kinda hit the wall. I lay down on my back, relax my body to the point of it getting numb and “sleep twitches” starting to appear. Then i create an impenetrable wall around myself in my mind, and slowly expand it to push off all those spontaneous and unnessesary thoughts till my mind is blank. That takes a couple of minutes. Then i get a distinct feeling that my body is somewhat asleep already. I shift my “mind’s focus” around my body, concentrating to my breathing and feelings in my limbs (for some reason i am sure i can strongly feel the blood pulse and circulate through my upper arms, but nowhere else, it feels like i can differentiate every arterie and blood vessel there).

Then i get very distinct feeling that my physical body is floating in emptyness, but somehow i can “see” the room around myself. I also get the feeling that my physical body is somewhat big for my mind, like my mind was human-sized, but my body is skyscraper-sized.

Then it all quickly dives into blackness (i am still aware). After a few moments in that blackness i realise that my mind have returned to its usual, daytime operation. I cant relax another time no matter how i try. The spontaneous thoughts return. However at the same time my consciousness becomes more and more fuzzy, i can hardly understand what i am thinking and what i am supposed to do. I sit, open my eyes, make a few reality checks…then i just lay on my side and in mere seconds get thrown in an ordinary dream.

Please, if its not too hard for you people, comment my experiences.

Maybe its because your concentrating to hard, I have always and still have that problem. Sometime before bed I gently focus on my breath to help me. I find it impossible for me to WILD… but I can try to prepare myself for a DILD, or WBTB. Sometime I do visualizing before bed to increase the vividness and intent for recognizing the dream state when I dream. But, when I find I just can’t sleep. I stop and relax, and let sleep come to me. It’s been a long time since I’ve LD’d. But hopefully it will come to me soon, I’ll just try to keep my hopes up.

Another night. I got a little further, in that when i got tired of trying and wanted to turn over - my whole body was…slow to react. I watched myself moving in kinda slow motion for 3 or 4 seconds.
For some reason i woke after 5 hours of sleep (i am usually an extremely heavy sleeper), and even remembered a little of my dream (i played chess with someone using huge weird shaped pieces)but no matter what i did - my body absolutely refused to relax on my command this time. I guess i lost consciousness while trying.

:smile: i used to have the same problem, actually now it has come back beause i havent really tried in many many months.

stop focusing on your body. remmeber this.

You do it every night, if you are aware of it or not you do it every night. So stop trying so hard and focus on something in your mind.

That way to clear your head is a cool way of doing it, i like it, gratz, but once you are there try and create some HI, that is if you are trying to WILD and not AP.

Once you can see theHI try and hear it, feel it smell it, really really focus on what you are seeing in your mind and imagine it is as real as you can make it. Keep your mind aware that this is all a dream like state and that your real body will be asleepp, but try as hard as you can to forget about your real body, forget about relaxing so much forget about thinking so much and trying to hard, just relax and forget everything bar the HI that you are creating in your mind.

Once you can clearly see it, feel it smeel it etc, create teh rest of the world. and then “step into it”.

There are quite a few techs out there i think what i am describing is a form of VILD, whatever it is, WILD VILD DILD, it worked for me when i was heavily into trying wild.

Also remember that this will be a lot eaiser if you try this say when you have already been asleep. then your brain is already kinda…mushy in that sense.

Good luck i hope this has helped you a little and keep trying

btw, after i had a few wilds and few failures, i moved onto a different tech, RT. this was what started me off on all my lucid dreams, it gets a lot eaiser once you have one or 2 just like anything else.

Best of luck


Well, i could, but then how am i supposed to relax my body ? If i dont do it consciously - i just lay there, thinking of stuff. No relaxation happens.

focus on each part of your body till it gets heavy then move on , keep doing this untill your entire body is heavy and then numb, then focus on the Hi while each breath you take think about your self getting more and more relaxed and then forget about your body compleatly and focus on your “dream body” focus on its feelings on its sensations, it will help you move your focus away from your body.

You do this more then you think. Remember all the nights that you went to sleep without actually doing any of these body relaxation ex? you still feel asleep then you can fall asleep this way too.

by keeping your awareness on your real body you will keep your conscious there too, and never be fully able to leave.


Just tried 61-point relaxation, works good enough for me, i’m already very relaxed after just going up the second arm. I usually went from toes up, myself, with less points, it took less time with weaker result.
I started to see light flashing before my eyes. Then i imagined myself moving forward through the tunnel on high speed, and then i heard…i dunno…sounded like a small engine puttering right near my ear, didnt hear anything at all with other ear.
Then i dropped out of it to watch my breathing again.

Must practice this more.

it cna be a big step, try it after you have already been asleep, WB2B, but instead of getting up just do the relax form your toes up and focus on the HI. it is alot eaiser if you have been asleep first.

Keep at it, Wilding is one of the best ways to get lucid consistently, if you can do it, personally it puts me in a bad mood, hence why i moved onto RT.

Keep at it and post how you go, try every night, ill come back and have alook at your progress.

Mere idea of doing WBTB is what puts me in the bad mood, it doesnt sound very practical or helpful, and of most things i’ll probably get grumbly and forget about everything.

Not to mention doing WBTB every day is totally impossible to do while still having somewhat normal life.

Anyway, going to sleep now. Good Night, Everyone. :smile:

:wink: you know you dont sleep soundly through the night as you think, you wake up many many times, but tend to forget about these wake ups. they last only a few seconds if that.

you dont actually have to get up, just set a low alarm at say 3pm or what ever, or follow your 90 min cycles, then when it goes off, switch it off think about lucid dreaming and HI right into it.

Good luck

Good night

Thats exactly what i meant. Setting alarm ? I dont live in the desert, you know. Setting off alarm every 90 minutes will make everyone hate my guts.

Even though i absolutely detest the idea of WBTB, i woke up twice this night, after 2 and 4 hours, roughly. As far as i can recall - it never happened before really. Well, unless i had to take a leak or something.
I ended up sleeping 10 hours, a bit much.

Also, for some reason i only remembered the dream from that first period of sleep, and only a few seconds of it.

I found some sources that say feeling your body get huge is a symptom of entering trance.

Anyway, when i first went to bed i relaxed and thought of embracing some image, some kinda triangle-like thing, and then i got feeling that i am in some open and bright place, with my body being “twisted around itself”…very weird sensation. Then some force started to strongly pull me to the side, like trying to pull me out of my body. After a while i gave up to these feelings and turned over. In waking recesses i still cant do anything at all, unable to relax, cant see anything, nothing works. Not to mention that damn swallowing…

i aint telling you to set an alarm every 90 min, what i am suggesting is that you figure out roughly when you will be asleep, then count a few 90 min blocks, set a time for then. Ie asmall digital watch under your pillow that beeps on e the hour that you set it for iwll not awake anyone else in the house.

once you have woken up just go back to sleep as you normaly would but try and remain focused on the fact that you want to have a lucid dream.

try it or not the choice is yours.

If you decide not, and you dont want to disrupte your sleeping pattern, try RC, read all the information you can on lucid dreaming before sleeping over a few nights, make up your own tech that works best for you.

Invest in one of them sleep masks if you think you need it.

Lucid dreaming is a great thing to have, and once you have it you will always have it, but it is something that has to be worked at. how may times did you fall of a bike before you learned how to ride it.

Its the same here, some techs are going to work some arnt, its all about T&E, but if you are not willing to put in the effort then you wont get the results.

With the WB2B method i am not suggesting that you do this every night at all, you seem like you wanted quick results this tech will give it to you.

give it a go, if non of this information has helped you, or at least inspired you to try a new tech, then i cant really suggest too much more

Yesss, i sleep through furious thunderstorms (with open windows too), and you advise me to use some puny watch beeping. Thats exactly the reason i cant live alone, i totally ignore all alarm clocks.

ok then, well teh ball is in your court, i suggest you read through the information here and find a tech that works and feels right for you, there are many to choose from. or even make your own.

Be aware that it is not the techs that you use or how you sleep, but ultimitly your mind set that you will make you lucid or not