I’ve change your title (was: Music) so that possibly LD’ers who compose music will see it easier.
I’ve been wanting to compose music in an LD.
I play guitar and piano, and I sing.
For any other musicians on these boards that have composed in LDs…
-Where did you go and what did you do to write?
-How did you remember when you woke up?
-If you played an instrument, do you remember the melody or the actual notes/chords?
I’ve only played piano once in a dream. I remember that the notes were supposed to make some neat chord, but when I woke up and played it, it just sounded retarded.
I think there are some people here who composed music or lyrics in LD’s. Siiw heard some lyrics and recalled them. You can try to find some info in the Fruits of Lucidity subforum.
I have yet to compose any in a lucid dream, but musical composition in dreams was the thing which originally got me excited about the subject, in the first place.
(Though I haven’t written anything for a couple of years), I compose electronic music of various sorts in reality, and I have found that I quite frequently construct little techno masterpieces in dreams. Usually I am not aware of the process of generating, but simply play somebody a CD and say, “I wrote this, the other day”, and it somehow comes into being, fully fledged.
It had not occurred to me yet, to actually try approaching a piano or some drums in a dream… may have to try that.
As regards remembering, upon waking, this has only happened to me once, where I was able to accurately recall what I had done, for a few hours afterwards.
I think the whole point of composing in an LD is that you don’t HAVE to sit down and compose with your normal method.
How I do it:
I usually have background music to my dreams, and don’t even notice! If I remember to listen to it, I’ll hear something I’ve subconsciously written.
Start playing something, and know that when you stop playing you’ll keep hearing it. Then you can do whatever else you want while the song you began playing continues without you.
Or attend a concert with music written by you!
I also once had a dream that I had written music that you hear while you’re eating a noodle I made. Pick up some musical chocolates or something. While you eat them, you’ll hear the song you put into them.
I haven’t actually composed anything in a dream, but I have tried. My method was that I would try to seek out a dream character of a musician which I might actually listen to in real life, and ask them for some help or inspiration. The problem was, these DCs were usually hard to find or uncooperative. In one dream, I tried to find Steve Vai in a record store at the local mall, but as I approached him he started walking away. The faster I tried to catch up, the faster he ran
I have a friend who I’ve told about lucid dreaming. Although, he’s not all that interested in it, he told me once that he had one completely randomly in which he was playing his guitar. When he woke up, he remembered the chords to the chorus. So he wrote a song based on those chords and he’s putting it on his CD, although, he won’t play it for us yet. I heard some of it though, and it’s really good! If anyone’s interested, pm me and I’ll try to inform you when or if he puts it on his purevolume account. At least i could tell you what his CD’s gonna be called so you can maybe look for it.
You could probably practise the guitar if you already knew how to play it, but I don’t think it would be possible to learn it right from the beginning without having ever played the guitar before.
This was one of the reason i first became intrested in lucid dreaming, the possibility of creative thinking without any barriers. I have only had two full-blown lucid dreams so far, so i havent been able to dig very deep into “lucid music creation” yet.
My strongest memory from my second lucid dream, which by the way was kind of fragmented (need to practice dream recall), was creating music inside my head. At the time this happened i was not in a physical space in the dream as far as i remember. When it all happened i felt like i was not consciusly creating the music but rather hearing it and knowing it came from inside of me. Kind of hard to put in words. I regret that i did not immideatly get up and wrote down what ive heard in the dream, but instead continued sleeping.
I do belive that lucid dreams is a perfect place for creativity to “flow free” and look forward to my next chance for it to happen.
By the way i create electronic music in waking life and have played the piano and guitar since young age.
I don’t know but I played the piano. And I played very well. DCs gathered round me and listened. I cannot play piano IWL.
Don’t know about learning though.