You might remember Clear Lucid, the program I made lately to give a little signal to help induce lucid dreams. Well, I’ve decided to rework on a new program; Journal Luc, basicly a program where you in a very nice interface can write down your dreams.
Now, I would like some suggestions of what you would like to see in this program. Interface? Lots of eyecandy? Customisation? Would you like a separate title? Different choices of font? Different choices of font color? Pictures? Music? Smileys?
It is possible I will add text-to-speech function, but this is not guaranteed, as it might be much too hard.
Anything you want to see will probably be implemented if I find it not too crazy so start posting your ideas!
A good, free, full-featured Dream Journal program is a wonderful project. Here’s my input.
Text formatting (font size, bold, italic, underline, color, maybe even multiple fonts) is a nice touch.
A Dream Themes Finder might be nice. It would search through the journal entries for repeated words, excluding articles, conjunctions, etc. and easily point out that you frequently dream of cats, or the color green… so on.
A customizable interface could be fun. But whatever interface you do decide on, make it crisp and not too busy. Be creative, but don’t go overboard. Text-to-speech, I think, qualifies as overboard in this case.
Yes, I am technically a new member, but I am no stranger to this site/forum. I frequented it several years ago with another identity. So, I do have some credence.
That’s easy to do Though I need some sort a way for it to sort out regular uses of words… like “a” or “walk” and things like that. In this case I need a complete list of words that are too common.