computerized dream journal

ive decided to crack down on LDing again and now that i have a laptop id like to know what a good computerized dream journal is. i want one that will find dream signs and compare dreams and whatnot. any reccomendations?


I moved your thread in the Lucidity Tools forum. You’ll perhaps have more answers here. As for me, I don’t know.

The lite (and free) version of Dream Diary Assistant can be found here.

Being the Lite version, it is somewhat limited. I’ve used it the last two days, and the only limitation I’ve noticed is that the Notes section below each journal entry is unusable. But that isn’t much of a drawback.

My only real complaint about the program is that the “Highlight Dream Symbols” feature is flawed. It puts words in your entry in bold text and automatically opens the dictionary entries. This is nice, but it’s search algorithm isn’t strict enough. Examples: you write “carrying” and it looks up “car”. Or you write “many” and it looks up “man”

While the Dream Dictionary is being talked about, I’ll point out that by opening the “Dream Library” menu and clicking “edit”, you can edit the dictionary to change definitions or add entirely new entries.

But it’s a good free journaling program. I hope this helps.

/me adds that this recommendation was made by a new member who joined today and this is their only post …
it may be wise to wait for replies from known members

meanwhile I searched and found 4 topics which may or may not be helpful…
I need a good Dream Diary Software…

‘Dream Journal’ Software

Charting Dream Consciousness

Working on Dream Diary software… any input would be great