Congrats to the recordbreakers !

On July 20, 1969, Armstrong planted the first human footprint on the Moon, declaring for posterity, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
But a greater step for humankind was done on November 21, 2004, at 19 h 05 GMT, when 44 people from all around the world could meet together on LD4all forum ! :tongue: :grin: :wink:

So, I would like to say a BIG “Congrats !” to all those who were here on this historical day, that is to say :

aplz, anefla, Atheist, charlottedreamer, Child of Zion, Cyrus, davidr, DreamAddict, Dreams r us, Eldoras, Feeble, Finwe, FixingFlare, Hubbs, Johan, Lynx, Maoru, mith, mystic, pasQuale, paula, pav, PuddingBunny, r3m0t, sara, Siiw :cool:, Siriah, sno isulli, Technodreamer, TheBranMuffin, Tomas, Wilitus, Xetrov, (and yours truly, Basilus West :smile: )
… and also to the hidden and guests who help to break the record !
:cheer: :boogie: :partying_face: :beer: :clap: :balloon: :thumbs: :cheer: :boogie: :partying_face: :beer: :clap: :balloon: :thumbs:

And special thanks to Maoru who got the final screenshot ! :cool_laugh:

:lmao: :adored:

wow 44! :happy: hadn’t seen it :smile: I’m impressed :smile:


Thankyou, your too kind.

Lol. I notice half of the people on the list are from #droom

It’s probably because they have their chat-evening every sunday at 8.

Thanks for the :cool:, Basilus :tongue:

aww i was coupleof mins late :cry: …nexttime then :happy:

I set my browser to auto refresh for 10 minutes during the last 3 hours! :lol:

I was here in spirit though!!! :wink: … but actually lucid dreaming about swimming at a family birthday party!!! hahaha, I could stay underwater the longest :content: and then I went non-lucid and it helped prolong the dream and I went lucid again!! and we had birthday cake!! haha, it sounds so boring and normal.

then I woke and and turned on the monitor to see “44” and I smiled and went back to see “yay”

I got there 10 minutes too late :cry:

But atleast you managed to break the record :beer:

Hi Kat and JaRoD !
Too bad you came a little too late ! :sad: The record was first broken at 18h58 GMT, then another time at 19h05 GMT. Just after that, everybody began to log out progressively.

Very nice record! Thank you Basilus :wink:

:happy: yeah good job you guys :cry: sorry i couldnt be there to help you guys out. i was asleep at five in the morning so goood job


I had to leave the house 20 mins before because my mom wanted to go shopping with me. I was delaying like mad trying to get just 20 minutes left (“Darn, lost my shoes AGAIN!”) but we left. I it minimized so I guess I’m one of the guests, ah well.

:cool_laugh: CONGRATS :cool_laugh:

Thank you for participating ! :smile: I saw your name on the first record screenshot at 18h58, Charlotte !
That’s why I added you in the congrats list, though you don’t appear on the final screenshot.

Yatta for all of us! :grin:

I thought about making a friend log in for me, but I didn’t dare to give him my pass. Sorry :confused:

I’m sorry that I didn’t make it, :sad: but Congrats to those of you who did :cool_laugh: :partying_face: 44

I was there until the bitter end, which wasn’t very bitter at all, but fun was still had by all, repeatedly, on that special day, which is good, and I was there, and I liked being there, 'cos it rocked.