I have just realised something…
I recently had two lucid dreams, and both times were when I listened to a Brainwave Generator preset and then went back to bed afterwards. For a while I thought that this was the reason I’d had them, that it was this particular chain of events that had led to the LDs.
However, recently, after several days of not trying, I tried again, doing basically the same thing, and absolutely nothing happened.
That’s when I realised something quite important. It’s not so much the technique itself which you try, it is how consistent you are with your attempts. Both times I was recently successful, it was around a time when I was attempting every single night. I think this is the key.
The problem is, when I was making all those attempts, I was unemployed, so it didn’t matter so much if I then overslept the next morning. Now I have a job again, so I’m not sure it’s going to be easy. Maybe I should elliminate using the Brainwave Generator in the night, and just wake up in the night and do my technique? This would save time, and hopefully I would still get enough sleep if I maybe went to bed slightly earlier? And then maybe on some evenings I could do my sleep reducer early in the evening if I felt like I needed to catch up?
What do you guys think?
I just feel that I have to be attempting every single night because that’s the only time I’ve had any success recently.