Control problems: no control when I'm at home

Well, I’ve had about 30 successful Lucid Dreams. However, I have noticed that whenever I am lucid at home, INSIDE my house, then i have LDs where i have no powers what so ever. I try and try, but nothing works. If i am lucid in some place and go home, my Lucid works well. If I am lucid outside my house, everything is well. However when i am at home, I usually can’t do much, and either lose lucidity or give up! There are a few exeptions, but when i am at home and become lucid at home, and I try to acheive some objectives, i never succeed in anything. I would appreciate some tips. And please, do more than just say ‘it’s a dream, you can do what you want.’ I know that’s true, but i would appreciate something more, that i can practice on. Thanks

(sorry Mods, if i misplaced this.)

I would like to preface this by saying, I feel wierd giving a more experienced practitioner advice but I HAVE experienced the exact same mental block as you.
The first time I was lucid in my room I was completely without powers too. I came to the conclusion that I was so familiar with my house that it was the most realistic environment I could possibly have in an LD. In your house you know exactly how everything looks and feels, the general temperature, etc. As we all know, the more realistic the environment is, the more we want to believe its real. And the more we want to believe its real, the harder it is to control the environment.
Anyways, to continue my story:
I jumped into my window and bit it hard the first two times I tried to exit my room. Finally on the third try I told myself, “Calm down, its just a dream, phase through it” so I slowly phased through it and I was fine. Just remember, don’t tell urself you can’t do something in an LD because doubt is your worst enemy.

Now, as you say it, I experienced the same thing. But for me it’s that I have the urge to leave the house when I’m lucid in a dream which is at home, and not to try anything in there.

But normally I leave the house through the door, because the window-method was difficult, too. Once I tried to do some telekinesis in my room, what did work well in another dream-environment, but this did not work.