I love to lucid dream and have been blessed with the capability to have one almost every night if i put my mind to it. BUT i would like a bit more control in some of my dreams. belive me, i understand that just leting things happen is half the adventure.
My problem is not that i cant control it but that when i start trying to control my dream I almost always wake up before i can acomplish my goal. Most of the time this goal is to make love to a beutiful woman.
most the time when i come acrose a sexualy atractive women in my dream i eaither dont do anything/ not think about it, or think to hard and end up waking up.
Its like torture…
Just last night i was in some weird tent with atleast 8 other gorgeous girls all half naked… it was great just being there, but as soon as i started to fool around with one of them all the others disapeared… then before anything really good could happen i belive i woke up very shortly but not compleatly then when i went back to dreaming i was in a totaly diferent spot and i started to run around in search of the girl i just lost…
I would love any tips anyone can give me.
I have been over the site and I am going to start practicing some of the techniques and maybe that will help too.
Try to stop while LD for a moment and think to yourself. “I am dreaming, right? That’s mean I can do whatever I like”. Think of it again and again until you fully believe and understand the meaning of that.
It should work, good luck.
Most people have trouble having sex in LD’s (they keep on waking up).
Reasons for waking up:
You get to exicted (try to keep calm. Rubbing your hands - yes, whilst having sex - may help)
You close your eyes and lose touch with the dream world (try either not to close you eyes, or, if you do, concentrate on another sense - such as touch)
If you persist (and try over and over), you can do it eventually (like me - multimple times in one dream… ).
Yes,rubbing helps a lot in many situations:)
Seriously though- Sureals right- either wait for your lds to become more stable and stop yourself from sexuall activities for now(did i really say that? or just keep practicing(now im talking:).
good luck:)
… actually, that’s a lie. I tried from my second (or was it third?) . But my sub-c just wouldn’t let me (girls wouldn’t be in the dream anywhere, the girls would refuse too etc) until something like my twentith LD .