Controll Issues

I’m fairly new at the whole LD scene, I learned about it in October and since then I have been somewhat successful. 9 ld’s in about 2 months. The thing I have been noticing about these dreams is that I have problems controlling the dream completely. For example, one of my more recent lds spawned off of a ND where I woke up in bed and did an RC. After I became lucid, I got out of bed and was going to go downstairs, but I stopped when I realized I was in my boxers. So I said to myself “I think I’m going to need some cloths.” So I tried to do the pill thing, but it failed because I didn’t have any pants on. After the pill thing failed I tried spinning around and telling myself that I would have my cloths on when I stopped.

After I stopped spinning, I noticed that I only had my shirt on. This is quite frustrating because issues like this happen in most of my LDs. Another example is when I was running at a wall full speed to try and run through it and ended up running into it and smashing my face on the wall, after which I woke up.

So I was wondering, how can I improve my control in my dreams? They are usually quite vivid and I have no problem realizing what is going on within the dream. It just seems to be a control issue.

Well, someone who invented that method, propably did not taked a possibility of not having pants. Eh, nevermind.

So, about the final question: get more lucid. Shout a voice command “Increase lucidicy” or “Lucidicy x 1000”.

If something will still be not be going well, for exaple you will smash your face again, say “This is MY dream, i CAN control it, it happens OLNY in my head”, or something in that kind.

And remember that in real world rules has been created, and you cant change them. In dreams, you are creating rules.