Convincing/RCs/No lucidity/ARGH HELP XD

I’ve never believed I couldnt do it, I’ve never believed I could have one with that technique blabla, I always had some sort of doubt. I think that was a killer, I have been trying for 6 months (3 of em really actively and the rest was more of a break/try it once in a while period) but no LDs.

How would I convince myself I could do it? >__> And no, BenDrummin’s LucidWarp thing did not help.

What technique(s) were you using? What did you manage to do? Had you a good dream recall? Did you write a DJ? Why do you think it’s just a matter of conviction?

I used MILD for a long while, together with WBTB as well. Later, I tried WILD. A couple of times without WBTB (I felt a spinning sensation etc but I moved after a while and gave up), and a couple of times with WBTB (fell asleep every time) >__<
When I had a DJ, I recalled on avg 4-5 dreams a night. I’d say that’s a pretty good DR.

I think its a matter of conviction because… Meh, everywhere it says that doubt can kill chances on LDs, and I definately had doubts. I dunno, what else could it be? My motivation was definately high enough :razz:

Do you use reality checks?

DILD maybe better for you and using reality checks may well help you recognise when you are dreaming. I’ve never been too good with MILD/WILD either, but recognising dreams when I’m dreaming seems easier for me so I use DILD methods.

DILD methods like…?

I never tried RCing. Well I did in the very beginning but somehow I never got to do those in my dreams and autosuggestion seems to not work.

For me I used things in dreams, like tornados, I like in the UK so I’m not likely to ever see a real one but I do dream of them often. So I use that to my advantage, I tell myself that when I see a tornado I’m dreaming. It took me a few months to get this to work, but that’s a lot quicker than the 18months using WILD.

I suppose it’s a cross between a reality check and auto-suggestion.

Also if I have had a dream before, I can recognise this. I don’t do anything to prepare for this, but since coming to this site, it’s just stuck with me. Not too helpfully that one.

Sometimes it’s just recognising things that you might not otherwise notice, such as general appearance changes, being at an old house you moved from. Anything in a dream that would be out of the norm or just stands out.

But I cant get myself to recognising these things :razz: I swear, I’ve tried XD At one time I always dreamt of weed (When I just smoked weed for the first time and I was very excited about it and stuff), for like a month. I told myself so many times when I saw weed I was dreaming unless proven otherwise by an RC. I did a lot of RCs. In my dreams, I dreamt of weed, but I never obtained lucidity.

I must say, both of my dreams have been DILD from doing reality checks in my dreams. Do many many reality checks.

TweaK you better not be dissing my software!! :tongue: Yeah I admit…i took the wrong approach in explaining things in that…

Anyways…about your problem. You aren’t alone… I’ve had, and still kind of have the same exact thing. It isn’t that I feel that it’s impossible…it’s just that I think to myself to not think about it, and then I do, and that triggers something…I dunno. It’s confusing…lol.

The thing is though…if you can’t get past that ‘doubt barrier’, then I recommend this technique that I’m about to write down for you. This baby will get you a lucid dream guranteed in the first week of using it. I use it all the time when I’m on a dryspell or just when I don’t feel like doing something else.

(forgot the name of it a long time ago…so I just call it the Hand Tech…lol…also, I think Basilus West gave this to me :eek: )

Hand Tech
Before going to sleep, spare yourself about 10 minutes. Sit on your bed and bring out both of your hands, place them in front of you, and stare at them.

While concentrating on your hands, repeat the following in your head or out loud: “The next time I’m dreaming, I will see my hands, and I will realize that I’m dreaming.” Say this over and over and over until you get extremely tired (at least try and go for the full 10 minutes).

Soon…your eyelids will start dropping and you will be really tired, as if you were in a trance.

Once you are finished repeating the phrase because you can’t even think straight…slowly lay down and get into your sleeping position.

Repeat the phrase in your mind again over and over until you fall asleep.

[OPTIONAL] Wake up 5-6 hours after you originally fell asleep, and do the exercise all over again.

This technique works so good because you don’t have to recognize anything. Instict will force you to look at your hands some time or another (because on average a person sees their hands at least 200 times a day) and 99% of the time, your hands are going to be messed up. That will trigger you to say, WTF, and the phrase will soon come to mind, and everything will make sense causing you to be lucid.

Just try it out…you aren’t going to regret it.

Also…be sure to message me tomorrow…I want to hear all about the lucid dream you are going to have tonight. :wink:

Well I think it would help to believe that doubt doesn not affect your ability to dream lucidly. Instead, believe that lucid dreaming will come after you use the techniques regardless of your doubt.

I love you Ben. <3 And your software.
(And yeah, I’ll message you tomorrow… its 1 PM, I just woke up XD)

If you can remember dreams easily, then an important thing is to see if you make progress. You can estimate this through the number of prelucid dreams you do.

For instance, if you use the “find your hands” technique Bendrummin told you about, you can see if you make progress: if in your ND’s, you often look at your hands, it’s a good sign.

Another technique I was using when I practised the “find your hands” technique was: I’m sitting on my bed in the dark. I put my hands in front of my eyes closed. Then I strongly imagine that I’m in a dream and I discover my hands(I sort of visualize my hands indeed) and that I’m very happy cause I realize it’s a dream.

Good luck! :smile:

Thanks so much Basilus and BenDrummin.

And as I said I’ve been attempting LDing for 6 months now, and after like 1-2 weeks I got a lot of prelucid dreams. I dreamt so much about knowing I was dreaming. I still do even, but I never got an LD. :razz:

Hence you’re very close to LD’s indeed. Keep up noticing such dreamsigns and try to find a method in order to make them useful.

Yeah, but autosuggestion just doesnt seem to work concerning doing stuff in NDs :razz:

This is the part where it fails. My eyelids dropped, yea. I was tired. Trance, no, but very tired. I lie down, get in my sleeping position, turn off the last light with the light-remote-control, and keep repeating the phrase. Normally at that time, I wouldve fallen asleep <5 mins. It took me 20 mins+ to fall asleep and I eventually had to stop repeating the damned phrase before I could fall asleep (I stopped repeating it after 10 mins, it took me 10-15 mins after that to fall asleep). The phrase keeps me awake.

Oh and I didnt look at my hands in my dreams :tongue:

Coughbumpcough Not resolved. D:

lol yeah don’t let that phrase keep you up. when repeating it, try not to think too hard about it. just saying the phrase stores that information somewhere in your mind. Instead of concentrating, try just saying the phrase and thinking of something else.

It hasn’t been a week yet, so your LD is still coming. Just keep trying.

Don’t want it to work, know it will work.

I know, I know. The LD is coming. :happy:
I forgot to do it last night, but I’ll just do it until the LD comes, which I know it will soon :happy:

Edit: Shit, I even had a pre-lucid dream last night. :happy: I dreamt about lucidity again, haha.

Believe it or not…that’s actually a really good sign. You know…you should also look into doing more RCs during the day…those can really boost chances.