okay. I bought a watch in the sixth grade that surprisingly still runs on the same battery. wow. And a few years ago, i was given another watch as a present. Yay. Well, at the begginning of this year, I decided to wear both. one on each hand.
Well, my point is this. I have had 1 or 2 lds (about a month or 2 ago, but my point still stands) in which I didn’t see the time on my watch, but rather became lucid BECAUSe of my watches. Like, One time I saw that I was wearing one of my friends watches (which is almost identical to mine) and became lucid. And one time I was missing one of my watches on my hand and became lucid.
would anyone like to try this? I guess this is sort of an experiment.
Also, I’d like to add something I like about the forum. The fact that we are dreamers. We all have different goals, different ages, genders, nationalitys, religions, beleifs, all of us whom in the political world of the US would be enemies are all bound together by such a simple thing as dreaming. ^^
Also, To those of you who visited my first topic about all my LD problem that reach like, 5 page, I figured out the cause of my dry spell. yay!
Well congrats , thats a fairly common way of gettings LDs, works pretty well. I did something similar with the red digital clocks in my school. No need for a experiement since it’s just a easy way of telling things are out of place. I used a digital wall clock and you used a watch. Works with anything you want really.
Now I have a question I’d like to ask, anybody know of a watch that has timed beeps so that I could remind my self every hour to do a RC. That would be great for me
Most electronic watches have this feature…they beep on the hour.You might want to know that there are also vibrating ones which for some ppl work better than a beep ones:)
I think you can get them in any good electronic store
good luck
glad for you to ask.
Simple. I thought about it the other day and it is because I’m not trying hard enough. I am slacking. But, starting next week, I will begin again, and make this month long dryspell end. yay!
Thats what I mean when I said it can work with anything. Anything that alerts you to your surroundings and cuases you to ask if your dreaming can do it. You can assign anything a dreamsign, even trees and tv!
I used yellow patches of sticky notes around the house.