couldnt become lucid yet

so everything was good i did not move my eyes either when they were closed was relaxed and still nothing could anyone help with what might be the issue? :cry:

Do you mean that you were trying to WILD? Because for a WILD to work, unless you are an expert that has been practicing for years, you need to fall asleep first. And there are many other techniques besides WILD to induce a LD that are easier, although maybe less effective. Hope this helps.

ah, just relax and drift. if you are trying to wild, i would try after 6 hours of sleep. don’t give up! if you get frustrated for the night, let it go and get some rest. i accidentally had an out of body experience while trying to LD.

i been trying wild i do start feeling different like my body slowly feels like im in the sky and feel paralyze but then i guess i lose focus i will tell ya how it goes tonight :happy:

It sounds like you need something to keep your mind from fading into the dream while you’re falling asleep. Have you tried counting? Not 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9… etc, but just a few numbers, 4 3 2 1, 4 3 2 1, 4 3 2 1 (or whatever you prefer).

Counting doesn’t work for me because it doesn’t let me fall asleep. Using the SSILD technique works very well for me though. Look around for the thread if you haven’t read it already. The short version is you just remain aware of the changes in your senses as you slip off to sleep. It allows you to be a passive observor to the sleep transition, rather than trying to initiate it yourself.

may i have more tips ? while i look around lol

Don’t give up!
Remember to have fun!
Eat your veggies.
Act! (check out “Art of Dreaming” by Carlos Castaneda)
Make your bed.

Brush your teeth.
Do a good deed daily.
Keep a journal (both waking and dream).
Do a Rreality CheeccK.